Wednesday, September 28, 2016

We all wear a Black Veil (AP class)

To review Hawthorne's story of "The Minister with the Black Veil," I would like you to reflect on the lesson of the story.

Listen to the following Billy Joel song and tell me what you think the connection to the story is?
(Write your answer in the comment section below this post.)
*Comments must be posted before midnight, Friday, September 30th.

**If you did not post by Friday, September 30 you have another chance to post a comment for a grade.  However, you will need to make a connection to a different song or modern day example that you believe connects to the story "The Minister with the Black Veil" and explain that connection.  You will have until Monday, October 3rd before midnight to post your comment.
Make sure to include your name in the comment.


  1. The song is about the side of themselves that everyone keeps hidden, whether it be for darker reasons, or simply because of social norms or fear. It addresses the hypocrisy of outrage and shock when another person has not been completely honest with you, for when have you ever been completely honest, even with yourself? Perhaps we hide our weakness, perhaps our sin, but it is all concealed behind a black veil or a mask, one we only take off within the privacy of ourselves, if we truly wish to see.

  2. The song relates to the story because the song talks about the "other face" everyone has wether its satin, steel, silk, or leather. The song says that you only remove your mask or reveal your other face when you are alone with yourself. People often tend to not show who they truly are to others but a mask they put on, and often when they go home and are in the comfort of their own home they remove it.

  3. In the story "The Minister With the Black Veil" (as the title suggests) it's all about the Minister wearing a Black Veil and how we all hide our true selves behind a black veil that we wear until we die. Because we are scared of not being accepted by others. Throughout the whole song, you can make connections to "The Minister With the Black Veil" for example in the first two lines of the song of Billy Joel's The stranger states "we all have a face that we hide away forever". Throughout the whole song, connections to "The Minister With the Black Veil" can be very noticeable.

    -Beatriz Figueras

  4. The song relates to the story because we all hide behind "the face of a stranger" . In the story, the minister's black veil represents his secrets and sins. The song says we hide our secrets from each other and that sometimes no one, regardless of how close they may be to us, knows what we are truly like.

  5. The song relates to the ministers black veil because it talks about how everybody has secrets.It talks about how when we are alone we remove our masks and reveal our true selfs.The song and the story are both about how everybody has a side to themselves that they keep hidden.
    -Loraine Rodriguez

  6. There is definitely a strong connection between this song and the short story "The Minister's Black Veil" which opens our eyes to the fact that everybody has a mask that they want others to see them as that particular mask whether it is for "sin" concealing reason or just not being comfortable with showing your true self. So therefore, we never show who we really are, we only portray ourselves as to what the social norms says or what is "in" or trending. -Isabella Restrepo

  7. Billy Joel's song 'The stranger' has a significantly strong relationship with "The Minister's Black Veil". Without a doubt, the theme incorporates that everyone hides themselves whether involuntary or willingly pertaining to a socially desirable portrayal of oneself. The song quotes, "Well we all have a face/That we hide away forever / And we take them out and show ourselves / When everyone has gone.". This demonstrates a correlation to the story in which mirrors Mr. Hooper's outlook that we all have "sins" we keep from those we care most about. A modern example would be Halloween. A majority of individuals dress up that one specific night annually as something their not yet theoretically speaking, we wear this costume obscure to the naked eye more often than we can detect. - Nicole Villanueva

  8. The song "Reflection" by Christina Aguilera has a very prominent connection to the short story, "The Minister's Black Veil". The song encompasses the feeling of looking in the mirror and not understanding what you see, for it is not your true self looking back at you. These feelings are evident in the story, for Reverend Hooper decides to shade his face with a black veil because his true self was not being broadcasted to the world. There is a part in the song in which Aguilera states, "If I wear a mask I can fool the world but I can not fool my heart." This perfectly explains Reverend Hooper's situation, and he took the message to heart, stating if people wear a 'mask' by not showing their true selves in their entireties everyday, then he shall wear a literal mask, since his true self is being masked anyway. The song also connects with the society/social atmosphere of the parable. "Reflection" goes on to question: "Why must we all conceal what we think, how we feel? Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide?" Even in today's society, the message still echoes. Social judgement is a harsh one, and more times than not, people are too afraid of what others think to expose their true desires. They adjust themselves to fit into a specific mold that society has laid out for them, and in the process chip away at who they once were. No matter how honest and out there one may seem, they too have a secret self that has never shown their face to others.
