Friday, September 9, 2016

Reflection on Week 3 Topic (English II Honors)

We read the poem "We and They" by Rudyard Kipling.
We read "Tolerance" by E.M. Forster.
You researched countries that have a variety of ethnic and religious diversity.
We even listened to the song "People are People" by Depeche Mode, which also connects to being tolerant.
Now it is your turn to reflect and make a connection to a song, television show episode or movie that demonstrates tolerance in some way.
Post your response below by clicking on the "Comment" link.
Make sure to include the following when you post:
1. Name
2. Period
3. Connection to tolerance. Make sure to explain your connection.

Posts must be time stamped by Sunday, September 11 before midnight.

* weekly words due by Sunday before midnight.
*Contracts for tablets need to be signed and returned this week.
*Rental fees are the following: $5 for Free lunch students, $10 for Reduced lunch students, $20 you do not qualify for free or reduced lunch.
*Picture Day Monday


  1. Sample Post:
    Catherine Manfra
    Periods 3,4,6
    I find the song "People are people" by Depeche Mode connects with the theme of tolerance because the lyrics of the song discuss the idea of people hating one another without really knowing why. Tolerance is all about respecting other people's differences whether you agree with them or not.

    1. Andrew Clock
      Period 3
      I feel that the show "House" displays the theme of tolerance throughout its run because Dr.House helps people of all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds even if he doesn't like them and his team is also diverse and interchanging. Tolerance is about being able to put up with people no matter how different they are without trying to degrade them.

  2. Jasmine Botello
    Period 4
    I feel that "Once Upon A Time" the show makes a really good connection with tolerance. I say this because there are all these different people with different backgrounds and they all get along. Although they may have differences they find a way to be okay with things. For example, in one scene Regina (the evil queen) was slowly become good and a lot of people had trouble putting up with it, but in the end they tolerated the fact that she was becoming good.

  3. Alexia Saavedra
    Period 3
    I think that the show "Awkward" from MTV is a good example of tolerance because the main character, Jenna has tolerance throughout the whole show. She's always putting up with peoples different ideas and opinions about her problems or just life in general. She was okay with everyone else and their ideas but at one point she had enough. For instance, she always needed help and she would always go to her counselor. But her counselor was always in need of Jenna and she tolerated it.

  4. Renata Bianchi
    period 6
    I think the show "Revenge" is a good example of tolerance because the main character has had to put up with this rich family getting away with the murder of her father. She obviously got tied of it and is now getting her "revenge". (hence the name)

  5. Ana Lopez
    Period 6
    In my opinion the show "Modern Family" on ABC is a good example of tolerance. Take Haley and Alex as an example, they're two sisters who are completely different and argue frequently. Eventually they do tolerate each other and bond over a few things such as teaming up against their parents or spending time in family events.

  6. Amanda Gomez
    Period 6
    I believe that the song "We Are The World" By Michael Jackson fits into our theme of tolerance because, the song is about the world coming together and realizing that we need to be there for each other. Michael Jackson also got a lot of different singers together to sing the song as a symbol of everyone uniting.

  7. Lemuel Fernandez
    Period 3
    I believe that the show "Friends" shows tolerance because when Ross found out that his ex-wife Carol left him for a woman, he accepted their relationship, and stepped up when he found out that she was having his child.

  8. Camille Garcia
    Period 4
    I feel that the NBC comedy, "The Office" has moments that really represent tolerating others. Throughout this tv series you can tell that each character has a flaw and very different personalities, especially their boss Michael Scott. Everyone seems to be constantly annoyed by the things he does but put up with him at their workplace. In the end, you are able to see that from all the time they tolerated each other everyone grew closer and connected.

  9. Nathaniel Garcia
    Period 4
    I think that the song "Under Pressure" by Queen, feat. David Bowie has elements that coincide with the theme of tolerance. This is because throughout the song it talks about how pressure can destroy people's lives. Although the way the song says to pull through it is to put up with it and that love is the way.

  10. Shamya Lewis
    Period 6
    I believe the movie "Remember the Titans" coincides with the theme of tolerance. This is because the football players didn't get along because of the color of each other's skin. They couldn't play well because they didn't like each other, causing a lot of violence on the team. Then they finally started to get along and didn't judge each other based on their skin colors. Through all the fights and arguments they finally tolerated each other and had a good football season.

  11. Shamya Lewis
    Period 6
    I believe the movie "Remember the Titans" coincides with the theme of tolerance. This is because the football players didn't get along because of the color of each other's skin. They couldn't play well because they didn't like each other, causing a lot of violence on the team. Then they finally started to get along and didn't judge each other based on their skin colors. Through all the fights and arguments they finally tolerated each other and had a good football season.

  12. Katherine Espertin
    Period 6
    I believe the show "The 100" coincides with the theme of tolerance; in the show, the two tribes, the Grounders and the Sky Crew, spend much time at war with each other, and they hate to be associated together. However, as time goes on, the two must put aside their differences and call a truce for the benefit of their people.

  13. Krystel Jimenez
    Period 3
    I believe the song "Freedom" By Beyonce coincides with the theme of tolerance because it is about how colored people aren't treated fairly by cops and how slavery and racism is getting worse over the years. Beyonce calls for perseverance and solidarity and appears to establish herself as a leader for the cause.

  14. Douglas Lopez
    Period. 4
    I believe that the song "One Love" by Bob Marley resembles the theme of tolerance because the song shows that people should get together and love each other even with their differences.

  15. Melisa Claro
    period 6
    I find the song "don't laugh at me" by mark wills connected to theme of tolerance because it tells you a emotion story of different people and hard things that happen in life that they had to tolerate. like for example, a man that lost his wife and his son on a car accident, a little girl who never smiles because she has glasses, and a kid that always get pick last at the playground. this song teaches you that we are all equal and that you shouldn't laugh at people making there pain bigger.

  16. Kayla Vilar
    Period 3
    I believe the movie Mother's Day falls under the category of tolerance because throughout the movie a stressed out single mom over time learns to accept how her ex husband is marrying a much younger woman and allows her 2 boys to see their stepmother on mother's day. Throughout the movie she realized she shouldn't have been judging her ex husband's new wife just because she was young; she learned to accept her into the lives of her two children.

  17. Emily Barbosa
    Period 6
    I find that the movie "Cinderella" (2015) connects with the theme of tolerance because even when her father dies and is left to deal with her evil stepmother and step sisters, she tolerates them throughout the entire movie. Although, they treat her like a slave and lock her in an attic she still forgives them at the end.

  18. Mohammad Aziz
    period 4
    I think the show "Rugrats" from Algelica's point of view connects to the theme of tolerance because she she has to deal with alot of younger relatives and she gets annoyed but still manages to get along with them

  19. Gabriela Alpi
    I believe the show "Full House" connects to the theme of Tolerance because there are little kids in the house and teenagers as well so the adults need to learn to Tolerate a lot of what the kids do. For example, not cleaning after themselves or not picking up there room.

  20. Luke Rivera
    I think the song " Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson connects to a theme of tolerance. For instance, the song explores personal identity and how one is influenced within and by society. Nowadays, society tends to twist the real version of things, such as tolerance. They make it appear tolerance has no right, and that hate is needed to fill the void. But really, as the song displays, you need to find who you truly are , and what is really right. Tolerance doesn't seem to fill the thirst for society, but that's what is right and will aid the world in moving forward.

  21. Carlos Arencibia
    Period 4
    I believe the 2016 movie "Race", connects to a theme of tolerance. Jesse Owens, an african american, who gets to compete at the Olympics in Germany learns to tolerate the opinion of the whites. The movie takes place in the early 1930's, where Jesse competes against Nazi's in the Olympics to prove himself the fastest man alive. Throughout his training and hard work, the whites judge and discriminate him but he tolerates their behavior and opinions. Tolerance is respecting what others believe in and the point of view of others.

  22. Victoria Castrelo
    Period 3
    I believe the tv show 90210 is a good example of tolerance. Each character has their share of mistakes but everyone tolerates them or learns to tolerate them. In the end they put they're mistakes and differences aside and get along.

  23. Daniel Valdez
    Period 6
    I believe that the song "Why Can't We Be Friends" by War is a good example of tolerance and how we need tolerance. There are several lines where he talks about getting along with other people, such as "The color of your skin don't matter to me
    As long as we can live in harmony."

    1. Nicholas Schmid
      Period 3
      I think the tv show King of the hill is a good example of tolerance because the main character always faces problem and he always finds a way to deal with them or learns to expect something.

  24. Brandon Kost
    Period 3
    I believe the song "Closer To The Heart" by Rush shows many signs of tolerance when it comes down to it, in many of the song's lyrics it points out we all hold a place in the world, but we must all come together in the end to make the system work.

  25. Emily Fundora
    Period 6
    I believe the tv show "The Fosters" could be about tolerance because everyone in their family has their flaws, without a doubt. Even when the characters make mistakes and cause trouble, all the foster kids and foster parents come together as a family, to support each other.

  26. Melany Petraitis
    period 6
    I believe the series once upon a time shows the act of tolerance. because the child henry met his adoptive mother and she later on turn into a bad person but he still was their next to her and even though she made bad decisions he stayed with her no matter what she did.

  27. Maday Correa
    Period 4
    I believe the tv series "The Vampire Diaries" shows tolerance because there were many times when Damon (the love of my life), Caroline and pretty much every character in the show turned off their switch which pretty much made them heartless and horrible people, but every single time this happened everyone helped them switch it back on even if they have diffrent perspective on things. They always helped and stuck with eachother even if they had something against the person, everyone was stubborn but they all loved eachother even if they didn't show it, which they always did because they're always there for eachother.

  28. Nourel Youssef
    Period 6
    I believe the movie tangled shows tolerance because the princess Rapunzel is kept inside the castle by her supposed mother. Her "mother" used her for her magic hair to stay young. She didn't want Rapunzel to go outside of the castle because she was afraid that someone would find out about her magical hair or that her hair would get ruined in some way. Rapunzel really shows tolerance by dealing with her so called mother. Her dream was to see the candles light up and her mother always refused to let her go she felt trapped in that castle but she always listened to her mother and did everything she asked for.

  29. Dario Valdes

    4th Period

    A show that comes to mind is "Arrested Development." The entire show deals with Michael Bluth, the only sane adult to ever appear in the series. He's constantly having to deal with his family in a mature way, as sometimes even characters older than himself, like his mother, act out in childish intent. Michael has an unprecedented level of tolerance towards his family, to the point of sometimes even encouraging their behavior. He reminds me of what it means to have a certain love for family, despite how infuriatingly bothersome they might be.

  30. Adianiz Hernandez
    3rd Period

    When I think about tolerance a couple songs come to mind but the one that sticks out the most to me is "This Is War" by 30 Seconds to Mars. The song is about how in times of war people come together from different backgrounds to fight for something, but it also shows the pointless side of war. Sometimes people are fighting for something they don't know and just do what they are told. The song's video shows the disaster and pain that comes from people who don't tolerate each other during wars.

  31. Kevin Schuss
    6th Period

    When I think of tolerance i think of Curious George, the reason being is that George's Keeper is always being tolerant of the mistakes and slip ups George does and always looks for ways to teach him right from wrong.

  32. Yionmikal Roque
    6th Period

    Whenever tolerance comes into my mind i always think of Kanye West's "Ultralight Beam". Kanye's speaks about many things, how god wants all of his children to be treated the same as one another and to help others even if you can't yourself. At the end a choir sings a prayer for people who do not believe in themselves and must realize that one person will always accept them, which is god.

  33. Jeffrey Herrera P.4
    The song "Stand by me" by Ben E King demonstrates tolerance by telling us that we should be together and stand next to each other . No matter how much money you have the religion you believe or what race you are we are all equal and we should all be treated equally.

  34. Juan Gomez Period 4
    South Park episode 14 season 6 The death camp of tolerance
    Mr. Garrison tries to get fired by expression his homosexuality but the students and staff tolerate although not agreeing for his sexuality.

  35. Fabiana Arcos
    Period 3

    I think this old show called "Malcolm in the Middle" is a perfect representation of tolerance because in every episode Malcolm gets bullied by his two older brothers & an annoying younger brother. Malcolm is an easy target for all the blame & his parents aren't too fond of him either.

  36. Raul Dominguez

    I think the show "Futurama" it's an example of tolerance because in it the main protagonist Fry is always doing stupid things and getting into trouble ,eventually his friends get used to his stupidity and put up with it.

  37. Victoria Torres
    Period 4

    I believe the show “The big bang theory” has a great connection with tolerance because on the show there is a running gag about the main characters “Leonard” and “Sheldon” who are roommates that always bicker at each other and fight over any little thing while dealing with their friends, relationships, and daily life. What makes it interesting is how both of them are completely different in every aspect and yet they still live with each other under the same roof while tolerating and recognizing each other's differences.

  38. Julienn Cedeno
    Period 6
    I believe that the show "Greys Anatomy" coincides with tolerance because each and everyday doctors have to deliever bad to news to families about either a daughter or son because they had surgery and if the family gets mad the doctors have to learn how to tolerate the families anger but at the same time try to calm them down so that nothing big causes an outbreak.

  39. Ingrid Hechavarria
    Period 3
    In my opinion the show Grey's Anatomy has a connection with tolerance because through out the show you can see that the characters spend a large amount of time working together and tolerating each other's attitudes and personalities. Another connection would be towards the patients, since the characters are doctors and surgeons they have to deal with patient's responses and reactions.

  40. Anastasia Sanchez
    Period 4
    I find that season 2 in American Horror story has a lot to do with tolerance because it is about 8 witches who live in one house and have to deal with each other discovering their new powers. Since the witches are so young and just discovering their new powers they have to "deal" or tolerate each other. They have to respect each other and not get involved with each other's discoveries because sometimes it can lead to unwanted issues between each other's Magic. For example, two witches had had gotten into an argument over being the "supreme"(the most powerful witch), and they both castes evil spells on each other which made chaos and madness in the house. If they had just tolerated each other and not have gotten involved they could have prevented the evil madness in the house.

  41. Naeli Emad
    Period 3
    I believe the show One Tree Hill resembles to tolerance. Lucas was abandoned by his father Dan and was raised by his mother. He joins the varsity basketball team in his school where his half brother (Nathan, treated Lucas like a loser since he was the Jock ) is in, Nathan gives him a difficult time and tries to make him quit the team but Lucas deals with everything and stays on the team. Lucas's best friend Haley eventually falls for Nathan which drew Nathan and Lucas to become close and like each other. They learn to deal with each other and the fact that their father left Lucas's mom for Nathan's mom.

  42. Annette Rodriguez pd. 6
    "Full House" is a great show that shows tolerance. It shows how the whole family of 9 that lives in one house had to tolerate each other and learn how to manage everything going on. The dad invited his brother and best friend to live with them to help around the house and slowly, others began to move in which wasn't easy for everyone. Everyone took turns helping around the house. To me tolerance means putting up with something even if you don't want to. This series shows tolerance and how they deal with all the situations that come at them.

  43. Lorena Angel-Bello
    I believe the song "They don't care about us" by Michael Jackson shows what tolerance will be.He signs about how people get treated out in the streets. We get shot, beat, sew me, kick me,but you will never break me.I after everything they still can't break him.I Would think it refers to tolerance meaning something that keeps happening and you have patience with.

  44. Daniella Brito pd.6 "Work this out" from high school musical 2 relates to tolerance because the people in the movie have really bad jobs that they don't like but Troy tries to help them see the bright side of things and tell them to have tolerance that everything is going to workout in the end.

  45. Sade' Paramore
    Period 6
    I presume that the movie "Gridiron Gang" coincides with the theme tolerance. The main character Willie Weathers was in a gang and after he killed his moms boyfriend, he had to go to juvenile detention center where him and other gang members that he had conflicts with were placed. The staff of the juvenile center decided to build a football team for the juveniles to give them a sense of self-respect and social responsibility,so they had no other choice but to deal with one another.From the beginning of the movie the juveniles were one another rivals, coming to the end they all worked it out as a team.

  46. Ricky Hecker

    I find that the song "Ebony and Ivory" by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder is an excellent example of Tolerance. The song deals with the issues of racial equality, comparing blacks and whites to the ebony and ivory keys of a piano keyboard, in which side by side, work together to create a harmony. A perfect analogy to the idea of black and whites working together to put aside their differences to create harmony in the sense of peace. The writers even represent the meaning of the song, a black and a white man working together to create "harmony", Paul McCartney and Stevie wonder.
