Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hispanic Heritage Project

September 15th is the official start of Hispanic Heritage month and it runs through October 15th.
In honor of this month, you will either decorate a classroom door or design a poster that will be put on display in the school.

Option 1:  Door decoration (Can work with a group up to 4 people)

1. Ask a teacher if you can decorate their door for Hispanic Heritage month.
2. Tell me what teacher gave you approval and the room number.
3. Depending on the subject of that teacher you will research famous Hispanics that represent that subject. 
Example: English teacher -- You can research writers like Isabelle Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Julia Alvarez, Jose Marti and decorate their door based on those famous writers.
4. You need to include the following items: the words "Hispanic Heritage," pictures of the people you are using, their names, why they are famous.
5. Be creative and make your door exciting.

Option 2:  Individual Poster

1. Select a famous Hispanic figure.  Make sure to check with me first.
2. Include on your poster a picture (can be printed or drawn), their name, why they are famous
3. Be creative.  Use different materials to make it stand out.

Projects are due September 23rd.
Worth 20 points

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