Thursday, September 1, 2016

Interview assignment (English II Honors class)

After reading "What, of this Goldfish, Would you wish?" story it is now your turn to conduct your own interviews to find out what people would wish for if they had a fish that would grant them a wish.
Here are the requirements:
1. You must ask a minimum of five people what they would wish for.
2. Write down the person's name, age, and where they are from along with their answer.
3. Two of the people you ask can be around your age.
4. The other three people must be older (at least 10 years older) or younger (at least five years younger)
5. In a paragraph reflect on whether the answers people gave you were what you expected or if there were any answers that surprised you.  Make sure to explain yourself.

Type up your information using 12 point font.

Bonus points: Turn your assignment into a short video to present to the class.

Due on Tuesday, September 6.  

Image result for quotes about wishes

1 comment:

  1. Serge Gorban Pr. 6
    I find the song "Imagine" by John Lennon connects with the theme of tolerance because the lyrics of the song discuss the idea of people joining all together in one community , cutting off all the "differences". And the tolerance is about how to "forget" those differences and live with each other.
