Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Country / Tolerance Assignment

In class we have read the poem "We and They" and the speech "Tolerance."
Now I want you to apply what you have read to research a country and decide whether you believe tolerance would be an important quality for those people to have.
In class you will select a number that represents a country.  You must verify with me first.

You will present your findings to your class on Friday.
Make sure to include the following information:
1. What is the population?
2. What is the ethnic breakdown?
3. What is the religious breakdown?
4. Have they been involved in any recent wars (civil or with neighboring countries)?
5. Would tolerance be a good/important quality for the people living in this country?  Explain

Include a picture of your country and where it is located on a map.
If you find any interesting charts showing the population breakdown you can include that as well.

Image result for tolerance


  1. The song "Roar" by Katy Perry remind me of tolerance because in the song she has no tolerance towards something and how she can't hold in her emotions anymore which in the song basically means why she is going to "roar".

  2. The song "Where Is The Love" by the Black Eyed Peas reminds me of tolerance because it talks about how no matter whats going on in the world or even with people we have to learn how to love and get along with one another.
