Thursday, November 5, 2015

Periods 1,2,4,6 -- Read an article from the Sunset Crusader

The school newspaper -- The Sunset Crusader -- is up and running.  I want you to check it out and complete the following assignment for homework:

1.  Go to the website The Sunset Crusader
2.  Select an article (pick something that you are interested in reading)
3.  Write down the title of the article.
4.  Write down the author of the article.
5.  Write at least 4 sentences summarizing the article.  (Focus on answering the who, what, when and where)
6.  Was there a picture with the article?  Describe whether the picture helped the article or not.  For example, if it was a sports story did it show an action shot of the game?
7.  Write down your overall impression/opinion of the article.

Period 1 -- I want you to submit your work via the class notebook on your portal.  Save it under Homework in your notebook.  Title it Sunset Crusader assignment.

Assignment is due November 12th for 10 points.

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