Tuesday, November 10, 2015

AP Class (Harvard Justice Course) and A Lesson Before Dying homework

Some students were interested in signing up for the online class.
Here is the link for those of you interested:
Justice Course

Remember to write down a quote from each chapter of the novel.
For Thursday you are responsible for Chapters 1 & 2.

Write down the quote, the page number and then explain how the quote could have a bigger connection then just the circumstances taking place in the novel.

"Oh, sure, he has reached the age of twenty-one, when we, civilized men, consider the male species has reached manhood, but would you call this -- this -- this a man?" page 7

This quote brings up the idea of age being just a number.  In society today, someone is considered of legal adult age at 21, however, depending on the crime, someone younger may be tried as an adult.  The definition of what is considered a man is then brought into question.  In the novel, his lawyer tries to argue that he is "a boy and a fool" and yet what he is accused of is much more serious than that of a minor crime.  In the eyes of Justice this particular case is more complicated and not as clear cut as the law would intend.

(Notice the kind of analysis I am expecting from you.  I simple sentence will not suffice.)

You will be completing a quote and explanation from each chapter, so if you want to get ahead you are more than welcome to do so.

See you Thursday!

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