Monday, November 23, 2015

Period 1, 2, 4, 6 Students (Make-up assignment for 11/23/15)

Those students who were absent Monday, 11/23/15 must show an excused admit in order for me to grade your make-up work.

Here are the two questions you must answer:
1. What makes you a good citizen?
2. How involved are you when it comes to your digital citizenship?  How big is your digital footprint?  (For example: are you a member of a social network, do you participate in online gaming, do you participate in blogging or chatrooms, do you use email or are you in virtual school?)

These are the two videos I showed in class to help you answer these questions:
Citizenship (click on the link for secondary school video)
Digital Citizenship

Don't forget to complete this week.
Progress Reports come out next week.

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