Thursday, October 29, 2015

AP Students -- Second Nine weeks

The second nine weeks we will be focusing on the theme of JUSTICE.

The novel we will be focusing on is A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines.  You need to obtain a copy of it by November 9th.  I will give a grade for having your own copy.  It can be either a physical copy of the book or downloaded onto your phone, tablet, or device.

You will also be required to complete one of the following projects during the course of the second nine weeks:

CSPAN Student Cam contest --
Through this contest you will need to research a topic that is important to you and create a short documentary type film.  You can work with a small group for this project.  Maximum of 3 is permitted for the contest.

Holocaust Reflection Essay Contest --
Through this contest you will need to research survivors of the Holocaust and create either an essay, poem, art, or short film reflecting on an aspect of their story and how it could impact your future.  Please refer to the guiding questions on the website.  No groups are permitted with this contest.

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