Friday, November 20, 2015

Period 1 (Julius Caesar)

The week of December 1st you will recite one of the following monologues from the play:
1. Cassius to Brutus trying to convince him (pages 1104-1105 lines 135-161) 
2. Brutus to the conspirators (pages 1120-1121 lines 116-140) 
3. Brutus after Caesar's assassination (page 1145 lines 12-30)
4. Antony funeral speech (pages 1146-1147 lines 70-104)
5. Portia to Brutus (pages 1123-1124 lines 237-256)
6. Calpurnia and Caesar (page 1127-1128 lines 8-37)

You must memorize the lines.  
I would recommend you watch a professional presentation of the speech (i.e. youtube) 
Your grade will be based on tone, pace/speed, inflection/emotion, and posture.
Worth 10 points.
All recitations must be completed by December 4th.

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