Tuesday, October 20, 2015

AP Class -- "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Assignment

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Assignment Options
Use the following website for the actual text Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Pick one of the following options:

1. Edwards uses several examples of imagery throughout his sermon.  Pick 3-4 examples and draw your interpretation of the images.  Include the direct quote from the text with page number.

2.  A Puritan sermon actually follows a specific structure.  The structure includes:
a.       Introducing the text (Bible verse or reference)
b.      Doctrine (using other examples from Scripture or religious beliefs)
c.       Reasons  (support for the doctrine)
d.      Application (real world examples or use)
e.      Epilogue (leaves listener stimulated to take action)
Address whether Edwards uses this structure and if he is effective.  Use direct quotes to illustrate the different parts.

3. Put yourself in the perspective of someone listening to Edwards’ sermon.  In the form of a journal or diary entry respond to his sermon using examples from that time period to demonstrate your understanding of the time.  Use direct quotes from the sermon to show how the person feels about what Edwards was preaching.

4. Compare and contrast Anne Bradstreet’s poem “Meditations Divine and Moral” with “Sinners…” sermon.  If you lived in this time period, which piece would move you more to take action?  Explain.

Each person will turn in their own completed assignment by the end of class Wednesday, October 21st.

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