Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Visual Rhetorical Analysis (AP class)

After analyzing together the Dove campaign on Beauty, the ESPN cover with Hope Solo and the video showing Hope Solo's first dance on "Dancing with the Stars" we saw how the Washington Post writer, Sarah Kaufman, broke down her opinions about Hope Solo's performance as well as her image on the ESPN cover.

Now you need to find an image or video that you can analyze and write an article similar to that of Kaufman.  Use the questions from class to help you break down your image:

1. What do you notice? (Things to consider: lighting, colors, placement, any text)
2. What message is being conveyed? (direct and indirect)
3. How can you tell? (In other words, how can you prove that the message whether direct or indirect is what you think it is?)

Don't limit yourself.  If you want to compare and contrast your image to something else -- go for it!  I would like to see your voice come out in your writing.  Don't be afraid to be critical, sarcastic, argumentative, judgmental, etc.

Your writing is due on Thursday, October 15.

Here is the link to the Washington Post article so you can refer to it when writing your own piece.

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