Wednesday, November 25, 2015

AP Class (A Lesson Before Dying)

Just a reminder that you should be reading at least one chapter per day.
At that pace, you should be on Chapter 13 by Monday, November 30th.  (That is not counting Thanksgiving and Black Friday)
There will be another Reading Check next Friday so make sure to keep up with the reading.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Period 1, 2, 4, 6 Students (Make-up assignment for 11/23/15)

Those students who were absent Monday, 11/23/15 must show an excused admit in order for me to grade your make-up work.

Here are the two questions you must answer:
1. What makes you a good citizen?
2. How involved are you when it comes to your digital citizenship?  How big is your digital footprint?  (For example: are you a member of a social network, do you participate in online gaming, do you participate in blogging or chatrooms, do you use email or are you in virtual school?)

These are the two videos I showed in class to help you answer these questions:
Citizenship (click on the link for secondary school video)
Digital Citizenship

Don't forget to complete this week.
Progress Reports come out next week.

AP Students -- Important Reminders

If you opted to revise your Rhetorical Analysis #1 (Abigail Adams prompt) it will be due to me Monday, November 30th.
It must be typed.  Use 12 point font and double space.
Make sure your heading is in the top left-hand corner. (Name, Date, Period, Rhetorical Analysis Revision)

You will receive a revision grade in the gradebook.

Also, do not forget to complete over the long weekend and you need to decide which major project you will be completing this nine weeks (CSPAN or Holocaust -- refer to earlier post with links).  You will receive a grade on Monday for letting me know what your decision is.

Enjoy the break and have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!
(Here's some visual rhetoric to get you into the spirit.)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Period 1 (Julius Caesar)

The week of December 1st you will recite one of the following monologues from the play:
1. Cassius to Brutus trying to convince him (pages 1104-1105 lines 135-161) 
2. Brutus to the conspirators (pages 1120-1121 lines 116-140) 
3. Brutus after Caesar's assassination (page 1145 lines 12-30)
4. Antony funeral speech (pages 1146-1147 lines 70-104)
5. Portia to Brutus (pages 1123-1124 lines 237-256)
6. Calpurnia and Caesar (page 1127-1128 lines 8-37)

You must memorize the lines.  
I would recommend you watch a professional presentation of the speech (i.e. youtube) 
Your grade will be based on tone, pace/speed, inflection/emotion, and posture.
Worth 10 points.
All recitations must be completed by December 4th.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

To All Students

Beginning Monday, Administration will begin checking for student IDs!!!!
If you never received a student ID you need to go see Joe, the security monitor, to have your picture taken and an ID made.
Anyone not wearing an ID will be sent to CSI for a violation.

Friday, November 13, 2015

AP Class (Guest speaker)

Justice and Robots

With the guest speaker/teacher, Tanya Ferreiro from the firm of Kaufman Rossi, we read and discussed as a class, some of the major ideas that were mentioned in the article above.
Make sure you read the article if you were not present in class.  I may refer to it at different points during the course of the nine weeks.

Make sure to also continue reading the novel.  Don't forget to select one (1) quote per chapter, include the page number and write a modern day connection to what the quote is talking about.  I will be collecting all your quotes before the nine weeks is over for a major grade.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

AP Class (Harvard Justice Course) and A Lesson Before Dying homework

Some students were interested in signing up for the online class.
Here is the link for those of you interested:
Justice Course

Remember to write down a quote from each chapter of the novel.
For Thursday you are responsible for Chapters 1 & 2.

Write down the quote, the page number and then explain how the quote could have a bigger connection then just the circumstances taking place in the novel.

"Oh, sure, he has reached the age of twenty-one, when we, civilized men, consider the male species has reached manhood, but would you call this -- this -- this a man?" page 7

This quote brings up the idea of age being just a number.  In society today, someone is considered of legal adult age at 21, however, depending on the crime, someone younger may be tried as an adult.  The definition of what is considered a man is then brought into question.  In the novel, his lawyer tries to argue that he is "a boy and a fool" and yet what he is accused of is much more serious than that of a minor crime.  In the eyes of Justice this particular case is more complicated and not as clear cut as the law would intend.

(Notice the kind of analysis I am expecting from you.  I simple sentence will not suffice.)

You will be completing a quote and explanation from each chapter, so if you want to get ahead you are more than welcome to do so.

See you Thursday!


If you attend Friday's game at Tropical Park to support the Knight's football team I will award you
5 extra credit points!
This can replace a 0 on a assignment or a class assignment worth 5 points or can count as extra credit points -- your choice.

You would need to bring me proof of being at the game.  (Ticket)

Show that Knight pride!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Periods 1,2,4,6 -- Read an article from the Sunset Crusader

The school newspaper -- The Sunset Crusader -- is up and running.  I want you to check it out and complete the following assignment for homework:

1.  Go to the website The Sunset Crusader
2.  Select an article (pick something that you are interested in reading)
3.  Write down the title of the article.
4.  Write down the author of the article.
5.  Write at least 4 sentences summarizing the article.  (Focus on answering the who, what, when and where)
6.  Was there a picture with the article?  Describe whether the picture helped the article or not.  For example, if it was a sports story did it show an action shot of the game?
7.  Write down your overall impression/opinion of the article.

Period 1 -- I want you to submit your work via the class notebook on your portal.  Save it under Homework in your notebook.  Title it Sunset Crusader assignment.

Assignment is due November 12th for 10 points.