Monday, April 24, 2017

Everything Everything Project

We are almost done with the book and as I mentioned earlier this nine weeks, you will be planning your own trip.

Here is what you need to include for your project:

1. Using the program Sway on your student portal, you will create a presentation about your trip.
2. Your presentation must include:
     A. Name of place you want to visit
     B. Picture or pictures of place
     C. Why do you want to visit that place?  Explain.
     D. Things you need to pack or bring with you.
     E. If you could bring someone with you, who would bring?  Explain.
     F. Mode of transportation to arrive to your destination (example: airplane, bus, train, etc.)
     G. Things you want to do while you are there (example: visit museums, zoo, beach, famous landmarks, etc.)
     H. Souvenirs you would bring back to at least three important people in your life and explain the type of souvenir.

3. When you present you can be creative and play music, show a short video, dress-up, bring in food that represents that place, create a travel brochure, etc.

Presentations will begin the week of May 1st. 
All presentations must be completed by May 12th.  Anyone who has not presented by that date will receive a 0.

Image result for traveling

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