Monday, April 3, 2017

AP Class -- Spring Break Reflection Assignment

Emerson and Thoreau are considered philosophers of their time.
They were part of the Transcendentalist movement in the U.S.
They wrote about what they believed was essential to have in life.
For example:  friendship, love, nature, and being in charge of your own life.
You have read excerpts from their writing on Commonlit (Emerson's "Civil Disobedience")
and will complete over the break Thoreau's "Where I Lived and What I Lived For." 

I want you to reflect on your own life and what you can not live without.

Image result for thoreau sign in the woods

Think of your own life and create a list of things that you feel are essential.  This is your own TRUTH.  There are no right or wrong answer
You will write your own essay where you break down your list and explain each idea.
You must have at least 5 ideas on your list, which means you would have at least 5 paragraphs in your essay.

It must be:
*Typed, 12 point font, double spaced
*Headings for your 5 ideas

Your assignment will be due on April 17th.

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