Monday, April 24, 2017

English II upcoming grades

Here is my tentative plan for the next few weeks:

Week of April 24th:
*Continue with novel
* for the week
*Daily journals

Week of May 1st:
*Presentations begin
*Teacher Appreciation assignment

Week of May 8th:
*Presentations continue
*Mother's Day assignment

Week of May 15th:
*Tshirt decorating

Week of May 22nd:
*Selecting pieces for end of the year book
*Community service proof due
Here is the link for the Community Service Form

I will be giving a grade for showing me proof that you have started completing community service hours.  You will need to show me by May 26th that you have completed at least one hour of service.
One of the easy ways to earn this grade is to bring in items for the Peru Flood drive that is going on until April 27th.
You can bring in the following items:
*Canned food

You can also bring in 50 soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House for an hour of community service, which would count for your grade.

If you already have existing hours of community service you can bring that to show me as well.

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