Friday, November 18, 2016

Anthem and Universal Declaration of Human Rights Connection (English II classes)

In Chapter 12, Equality (Prometheus) states:
"There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men.  To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.  That is freedom."

You are going to take this concept and connect it with the rights that are given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

First, you will select a number in class. (If you are absent you need to get a number from me before you start.)
This number will be the number of the Human right you will research.
Human Rights

You will create a virtual board using Board Builder through Discovery Education (student portal)
When you click on Discovery Education link go to Builder Tools and then click on Board Builder.

Your board must include the following:

1. Your human right explained in your own words.
2. An explanation of how your human right is connected to the novel Anthem.
3. An image that represents your human right.
4. Modern example from the news. (The event could be from the United States or another country in the world)

You will present your boards on Monday, November 28th.

You will get both a grade for your board and a presentation grade.

Image result for declaration of human rights'

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