Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving break extra credit (All classes)

During the break, take a moment to check-out the school newspaper online.
Click on the link below and read the October issue.
The Sunset Crusader

1. Write down 3 things you learn about the school or people that are highlighted here at Sunset.
2. Answer one of the "Questions to Ponder."
3. Make a recommendation of a topic that the newspaper should cover for next issue.
Submit your answers through your online Notebook or email me your responses by Monday, before 7:00 am.

**For AP Students:
Since we are reading The Fountainhead, it would connect very well with the recipient of this year's Presidential Medal of Freedom -- Frank Gehry and Maya Lin.  Look them up and write down three facts about each.  Submit your facts first thing on Monday, November 28th.

Image result for happy thanksgiving

Friday, November 18, 2016

Fountainhead -- Chapters 12-15 questions

The following questions and answers are due on Monday, November 21st.

Chapter 12

1. Who is Alvah Scarret and what is his connection to Dominique Francon?
2. According to Dominique, what is "the only desire one can really permit oneself"?
3. What does Catherine want from Peter? Why?

Chapter 13

1. Why does Howard keep turning jobs down?
2. Who finally hired Howard to design a building?
3. What happens with the Sanborn home project? Explain from beginning to end the major events.
4. In the Architects' Guild of America bulletin, what did Roark get recognition for?

Chapter 14

1. What is the big contest that Peter wants to win?  How will it change his life?
2. What happens to Cameron?
3. Why does Peter propose to Dominique? Explain.

Chapter 15

1. What is ironic about what happens to Heyer?
2. Two major events happen to Peter.  What are they?
3. What two things was Howard so dependent of?  Why?
4. Why does Howard turn down the commission for the Manhattan Bank building?

Anthem and Universal Declaration of Human Rights Connection (English II classes)

In Chapter 12, Equality (Prometheus) states:
"There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men.  To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.  That is freedom."

You are going to take this concept and connect it with the rights that are given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

First, you will select a number in class. (If you are absent you need to get a number from me before you start.)
This number will be the number of the Human right you will research.
Human Rights

You will create a virtual board using Board Builder through Discovery Education (student portal)
When you click on Discovery Education link go to Builder Tools and then click on Board Builder.

Your board must include the following:

1. Your human right explained in your own words.
2. An explanation of how your human right is connected to the novel Anthem.
3. An image that represents your human right.
4. Modern example from the news. (The event could be from the United States or another country in the world)

You will present your boards on Monday, November 28th.

You will get both a grade for your board and a presentation grade.

Image result for declaration of human rights'

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Fountainhead Questions

Chapter 10 Questions

1. Who is Ralston Holcombe?
2. How does the meeting between Peter and Dominique go? Explain.
3. Who says, "Maybe you are the man to handle her."?  Why?
4. What happens with Roark?

Chapter 11 Questions

1. How does Mr. Snyte treat Howard when he stops by?  Why?
2. Why does Peter visit Howard?
3. Who does Howard visit?
4. Who likes Howard? Who doesn't like him?  Why do you think?
5. Does the Heller house get any recognition?  Why is this significant?

Bring questions answered to class Wednesday, November 16th.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thanksgiving Food Drive (All classes)

You can earn community service hours for bringing in the following items by this Friday, November 18th:
Canned items:
    Cranberry sauce
    Pureed Pumpkin
    Green Beans
    Cream of Mushroom Soup
    Sweet Potatoes
    Evaporated Milk        
Boxed Items:
    Pumpkin Bread Mix
    Pumpkin Pie Mix
    Mac and Cheese
    Scalloped Potatoes
    Stuffing Mix

*Two items equals an hour of community service.
Image result for thanksgiving food drive

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Junior Spirit Week

We and I Poem (English II)

Since we are almost done with Anthem I want you to create a poem based on your journey as a person.  Think of yourself as Equality and how you have grown as a person.

Your poem will start with a stanza of at least 10 lines that each start with-- "We are..."
The second stanza will also contain at least 10 lines that each start with-- "I am..."

Your poem must describe you.

Your poem will be due on Monday, November 14th.
It must be typed, 12 point font.
You can give it a title or call it Anthem poem.

Image result for anthem novel

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016

English II Honors -- Anthem Reflection Question

We learned about the author, Ayn Rand, and her past and how that impacted the ideas in her novels.
We read Chapter 1 and had some great discussions about education, work, freedom or the lack thereof, etc.

I want you to now make a connection between the novel and the image below:

Image result for fairness

Explain in your own words what the image is saying and how it applies to the novel.

Responses due by November 7 before midnight. 
Bring your responses on paper to class or you can post your answer below as a comment.  (Make sure to include your name and period.)

AP Class -- Fountainhead Response Question

We have now read Chapters 1-4 of Part 1.
We have learned about Ayn Rand's background and how that impacted her novel and her ideas.
Today we watched the short video on Objectivism, which is Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Here is your assignment:
1. Do you consider yourself someone that puts yourself first or the needs of others first?
Really think about it before posting your response below.  Try to be as honest as possible.
2. Make a connection to one of the characters so far in the novel and whether they represent selfishness or altruism.  Explain your reasoning.
3. Then, I want you to respond to one of your classmate's posts.  Explain why you agree or disagree with their response.  Be respectful of each other.

Your grade will be based on the thoroughness of your response to question one and two as well as your comment to someone else's thoughts.

All responses must be completed by November 7th before midnight.

Make sure to include your name in both your original post and your response to a classmate's post so that you can receive proper credit.
*If you are having technology issues email me your response and I will post it for you.

Image result for selfishness vs altruism

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Fountainhead Part I Assignment -- AP Class

As you read through the chapters in Part 1 -- Peter Keating, I want you to write down two quotes per chapter.  The quotes should relate to either individuality or collectivism.
You can have more than two quotes if you want to.

Follow the following format:
1. Quote and page number
2. Explain the connection to individuality or collectivism, or why you like the quote.

Assignment will be due November 30.
Must be typed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

English II Students

Mrs. Perez is taking a fieldtrip on November 15th to FIU.
She has 40 openings.  If you are interested in going pick up a form from her in room 187.
It is $7 to go.