Monday, October 24, 2016

Zines for Progress -- AP Class


I want you to go through the Zines for Progress website with the examples of the projects that were turned in last year.
Zines for progress
Select one of the Zines that you personally like and answer the following questions:

1. Name of the piece (found beneath each picture)
2. What was their topic?  How do you know? Give specific examples.
3. What materials did they use? Be specific.
4. What kind of writing did they incorporate? (poems, short essay, charts/graphs, songs, etc.)
5. How did they bind the pages together?
6. Is there anything this piece had that you would like to do for your project?  Explain.

Submit your questions with answers by Friday, October 28th.  You can turn it in earlier if you finish before Friday.

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