Friday, October 21, 2016

Antigone Project (English II Honors)

Now that we have finished reading Antigone, I want you to incorporate what we have learned about the Greeks and design a Greek Urn.  A Greek Urn is similar to a vase except that on these vases pictures were drawn to represent stories.

In class you will receive a copy of a Greek Urn.
You will also receive a character or Greek god that was mentioned in the play.
You must have the following items on your urn if you want full credit:

1. Write the character/god's name using the Greek alphabet
2. An image of the character (drawn or printed)
3. A quote from the play where they are mentioned
4. A scene from the play showing the character or a scene of the god doing something they are famous for.
5. On the back describe your character or god.  Explain their connection to the play.

You will be presenting your urns next week on October 28th.

1. Bacchus
2. Aphrodite
3. Ares
4. Dionysus
5. Hades
6. Persephone
7. Tantalus
8. Zeus
9. Hephaestus
10. Antigone
11. Ismene
12. Creon
13. Haemon
14. Tiresias
15. Danae
16. Eurydice

Image result for greek urn

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