Friday, October 28, 2016

Red Ribbon -- Live Drug Free (All classes)

This years theme is "YOLO-- Be Drug Free"

I want you to comment to this blog post and share what you do to be "Drug Free."
Share your post by November 1st.
Make sure to include your name and period in the post.

Image result for red ribbon week 2016


  1. Victoria Torres
    Period 4

    In order to stay drug free, I do multiple things. The main thing I focus on is not associating with anyone who is into narcotics, alcohol, etc. I believe once a person becomes friends with a group of people who are known to do those things in their pass time, at some point there will be an instance where peer pressure might be caused and then influencing a person to get involved and addicted to the substances. I also refuse to take anything that I am not familiar with just because the person handing it to me I trust. If I am at a social gathering and everything starts to get suspicious I will pull away and leave peacefully no matter if anyone insults me for being a “chicken” and or bribing me that doing such activities will increase my social status. If the group of people I hang out with start to experiment with drugs once I see that they are trying to hook me onto their habits and not try to sober up even with my assistance, I will have to end the friendship with them for my own well being.

  2. There are multiple things I do to stay drug free, first I distance myself from anyone that tries to pressure me into doing something I don't want or don't feel comfortable doing. If they are truly friends they should respect your choice. Second i set goals for myself as in what I want to do in life , and what I would like to accomplish that keeps me pushing myself to achieve every goal I've set rather focus on drugs. I feel as doing drugs are a big part of who you accosistae yourself with, For example someone that doesn't do drugs but hangs out with only people that do might feel pressured or obligated to do them as well to "fit in " . I put myself first before a friendship and If i feel as someone is pressuring me to do something I don't want to i take that person out of my life. We all have to do what's best for ourselfs.
    Jenny marquez
    Period 1

  3. I believe the most important thing to do when trying to stay drug free is to be able to think for yourself. Whether or not you are friends with someone who does drugs shouldn't matter, so long as you know how to make your own decisions, rather than letting peer pressure overcome your free will. You only live once, so learn how to function as your own person, and don't let other people make choices for you.

  4. There are a variety of things I do in order to stay drug free. For example, I acknowledge my stance on the issue and I stick up for myself if people try to sway me from what I believe is right. I try to distance myself from the people I know are associated with drugs because peer pressure can play a big role on whether or not someone goes against their beliefs. I also try to remind myself to think of me first, instead of what people will think if I don't agree with what they'e doing. I have big goals and in order for me to achieve them I need to keep a steady head on my shoulders, which is something I cannot do if I am under the influence.

  5. There are many things I do to maintain a drug free experience. While I believe it is important to be confident in your own decisions and not to be easily swayed by others, I avoid those who tend to peer pressure others into taking drugs. I only do so because I feel as though those who peer pressure have no respect for others or their beliefs.

  6. To remain drug free I make sure I always stand my ground no matter what pressure is put on me, I stay away from anyone that does drugs and even if they do I don't associate with them when they're in possession of drugs or are taking the drug. I keep myself educated on what all drugs can do to your body and attitude. I also make sure everyone that does drugs that I know respect my decision and that they keep the drugs away from me because otherwise that's very disrespectful and I will no longer be around them.

  7. I stay drug free by not letting anyone peer pressure me into doing anything and standing my ground when I do not want to do anything. I also am an example to my little brother and little sister that inspire me to the best I can and never do drugs because they look up to me and I want the best for their future and health. I also stay drug free by surrounding myself with people that do not do drugs.

  8. To remain drug free, I distance myself from others who use drugs and try and persuade me to do it. I am not one to crack under peer pressure and I believe that is one thing that helps me stay drug free. I also think about how my future will be if I use drugs, and I fear that it might not be a good one if I use them. With these things, I have remained drug free for my whole life.

    Daniel Valdez, period 6

  9. Julienn Cedeno Period 3
    To remain drug free, I barely go out to parties and I don't hang out with most of my high School friends like before. I believe that people can be drug free only if they give it a try because anything can be acomplished if you try. Most teens these days do not know what it is to be drug free because they have already filled their body's with the chemicals and they can not get rid of it because it is an addiction. Then they will only know what it is like not being able to live a normal life again.

  10. There are a million of things teens can do to avoid becoming addictive to drugs and to remain drug free. I personally, am very careful with my choices and the people i choose to hang out with. Us teens don't realize it, but the people we spend most of our time with have a huge impact on us and the things we do. Thats why i'm very selective with my group of friends.. I hang out with kids who are focused in school, know how to have fun, but without it involving any sort of drugs or alcohol.

  11. To be drug free, I simply don't associate with people who would try to tempt me. By removing the source of the temptation, you significantly lower your chances of being tempted. For those that do hang with such people, it's all about not giving in to peer pressure. Just giving in once is all that's needed to become addicted.

    Andrew Clock pd.3

  12. To stay drug free I believe making your own decisions and knowing what's good for yourself is key. If you are mentally strong and truly believe why it is important to stay drug free then nobody should change your mind.

    Ingrid Hechavarria pd. 3

  13. What i do to stay drug free I tell myself that doing it is wrong and i think about how doing them will affect me in different ways.
    Gabriella Tillan period.3

  14. One of my techniques to stay drug free is to never hang around people who are into smoking, taking prescription drugs, and drinking. Another way to stay drug free is to know the effects of drugs and what damage it does to your body, sometimes you can see it the effects just by looking at your peers that practice it. Lastly, I remain drug free because I want to come home at the end of the day to see my family and I try to not let peer pressure get to me.

    Alexia Saavedra P.3

  15. To remain drug free, I dedicate many hours weekly to cheerleading practices and school related events. My go getting mentality to refine the world in the future and achieve my goals additionally circumvents me from going towards the pathway of these detrimental drugs. Groups of peers, friends, and family I selectively choose to surround myself with also reduce chances of peer pressure. As an individual focused on my priorities such as being successful in the long run, I won't allow any circumstances to override my perspective.

  16. To remain drug free i try staying away from people who drink or do drugs and stuff like that. i also have after school activities to keep me busy and not want to use or do any of that stuff. I also personally just wouldnt like doing it i just think why do something can cause damage to your body. Another thing i do is try to stay busy with other fun things like eating and hanging out with my friends
    period 6

  17. Shalom Wooten
    Period 3

    Some ways i stay drug free is to always say no when offered. Matter fact i cut off all associations with drugs, meaning, if my friends use drugs i cut my friendship tie.I believe in the quote"Evil communication corrupts good manner." This means if I'm hanging around a bunch of druggies I will soon become one.

  18. In order to stay drug free i do try to surround myself with others who are drug free like myself; or just to surround myself with people who can respect my decision and not force me to do something like that. I try to stay away from situations that seem like others will be participating in that, i also try to make sure i know where i am going or who i am going with to avoid "wrong place, wrong time" situations.

  19. In order to stay drug free, I distance myself from people that I know I may feel pressured by to try drugs. Instead, I surround myself with people that respect my decisions and don't need drugs to have a good time. I believe that the people we choose to surround ourselves with can have a big influence on our behavior. Another thing I do is to talk about any situation I may be facing, rather than using drugs or alcohol to avoid my problems.
    Lianet Figueroa Pd 1

  20. Jasmine Botello

    One of the main things i do to remain drug free is to surround myself with good influences. I distance myself tremendously from those people because nothing good comes out of hanging out with them. I don't allow anyone to pressure me into doing drugs, which is a big problem nowadays. If i was going through something i wouldn't go to drugs to solve my problem, i would keep myself busy with other things.

  21. In order to stay drug free, I stay away from people that may pressure me to do drugs. I also think about how my future would look if it has drugs involved.
    Daniel Diaz P.1

  22. Carlos Arencibia
    Period 4

    There are many ways to stay drug free. What I do to stay drug free is prevent anyone to influence me in any misleading way. When ever I am offered drugs, I turn down the offer and walk away. Drugs are something people try to make you consume or use in some way. At a certain point, peer pressure comes in and the best thing to do is to never fall under the influence of peer pressure. Knowing that I play sports, I would definitely not take drugs.

  23. In order for me to stay drug free I start with staying in a drug free environment and have friends and family members who avoided doing drugs and are accepting to me and my boundaries. I also try to avoide situation (such as parties) that might involve drugs such as alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, ect. Because I don't want to jeopardise my bright future with addictions to things that could easily be avoided-beatriz figueras

  24. To be drug free I'm just doing one simple thing - Not using the drugs.
    Best solution is the simpelest solution.

  25. One way I stay drug free is to surround myself with good people. Another way is the fact that I am well aware that I don't need drugs and that they're a poison to the body, so I make the obvious choice to not do drugs.
    Nathaniel Garcia Period 4

  26. Naeli Emad

    The way I stay drug free is by making the right choices for my future. I avoid being around people who do drugs. I try not to surround myself with people who smoke, drink, or do drugs. A drug free environment is what I try to create for my future and I wouldn't want something irrelvant in my life to effect it.

  27. There are a lot of ways to stay drug free, In my experience the best way to stay drug free is to set goals for yourself. If you ever feel even close to being tempted to use drugs just remember how that can affect what you're trying to achieve. Even if it's the smallest things it can stop you from making wrong decisions. Also try to avoid the wrong types of people in school you always should know who to associate yourself with, and you should know who not to get close to. I surround myself with people that are better influences then worst.

  28. Krystel Jimenez
    There are a lot of things I do to be drug free.for example I don't let anyone peer pressure me. I avoid people who do drugs and also try to avoid situations where drugs or alcohol are involved. I know who to associate myself with.

  29. Fabiana Arcos
    Period 3

    To stay drug free i deny any drugs that are offered to me. i stay away from people who abuse it and keep my system clean. theres a lot of things you cant do when you have drugs in your system like getting a job and im not going to risk it.

  30. In order to stay drug free I surround myself with drug free people I've seen the harm and disturbing things drugs can do to you in the long run , my moms uncle was diagnosed with aids in the 80's which was a normal occurance then but he later turned to drugs which minimized his life span in death he had visions of god and Jesus and they told him they would protect his family. This is why I refuse to ever turn to drugs it would harm my mom more then it would harm me. - lourdes perez period : 01

  31. Melany Petraitis
    I would be drug free by avoiding people who use drugs. I would also not be influenced by anyone to try drugs because you really do not need them in your life. I would avoid parties where drugs are used because not only does it endanger me but also people would try to convince me to use the drug.

  32. Victoria Castrelo p.3

    To remain drug free I surround myself with people that respect my decisions and do not pressure me to do what i'm not comfortable doing. Another way i stay drug free is avoiding people who are too involved with that negativity and avoid all situations that can involve drugs.

  33. Carolina Garcell

    To stay drug free I would surround myself with people who have the same morals as me and choose to stay clean and away from drugs. Also,I would say no when offered. Lastly, I would stay away from parties that carry drugs and alcohol.

  34. In order to stay drug free I try to surround my self with people that are also drug free. I believe that the people that you surround your self with influence how you are and what you do. I also think for myself and don't let myself get pressured by others.I hangout with people who don't need drugs in order to have fun.
    Loraine rodriguez period 1

  35. Raul Dominguez period 6

    In order to stay drug free I think of the different ways doing drugs would affect me and the people that I love like my family and friends . Another thing I do is not let other people pressure me into doing drugs no matter how "cool" it made them , and would make me.

  36. Renata Bianchi period 6

    In order for me to stay drug free all I have to do is talk to my friend that sadly was a drug addict and over came it the struggle she went through just inspires me to stay drug free because I would not want what happened to her happen to me. To also stay drug free i need to know what effect drugs have and they are absolutely terrifying so I just stay drug free.

  37. Staying drug-free might be difficult for some people. In order to stay drug free I hang out with people that do not drink or smoke. By doing this it becomes easier to not do bad stuff. I do after school activities to avoid drugs I dance and bake and I give cookies to homeless ppl.

  38. I keep myself drug free for many reasons. I want to be healthy, I have goals in life and I want to live for a long time. Being drug free is a choice. I truly believe that. Social pressures especially as teenagers make that choice difficult for us sometimes. I keep myself drug free by trying to surround myself with people who don't use drugs and whose beliefs about drugs are the same as mine. I keep myself busy with school and sports so I don't have much time to get myself into the bad crowd. I have seen firsthand the effects of drugs on people. Young people in particularly, and I have chosen to distance myself from that lifestyle. It's not cool or necessary to use drugs no matter how glamorous it may seem.

  39. Lemuel Fernandez Period 3
    To be drug free I hang out with people who do not drink or smoke. By doing this I limit my exposure to drugs and other harmful things.

  40. Annette Rodriguez pd.6
    To stay drug free I remind myself of the consequences of doing so and how it would ruin my reputation. I also surround myself with positive friends who will influence me in a good way and avoid others who aren't the best influences.

  41. Juan Gomez period 4
    To stay drug free I do stuff I enjoy and keep myself occupied with stuff to never consider drugs. I also hang out with people I care and are drug free so I can also avoid bad influences like people who do drugs

  42. Ana Lopez
    To stay drug free I keep myself entertained and surround myself with people who are also drug free. I also think of what the negative effects would be if I had gotten into drugs. I even think about how I would be treated differently.

  43. Melisa Claro period 6
    To stay drug free I think mostly of the consequences and what my family would think of me if I was going to commit to drugs . I also think about what would happen and how it would affect my body and myself physically and mentally. Another way to stay drug free is by being carefully of the people you let into your life and enjoy life in general doing thing that you like and enjoy .

  44. I stay Drug Free by saying No. Not only do i need to stay drug free because i am an influence for my younger siblings,but i do it because i know its not whats best for me, and that i can do better than that.
    - March

  45. In order to stay drug free I don't let anyone get to me by saying it's just one time, I know once you start doing Durgs you might become addicted so saying no and not letting anyone peer pressure you into trying drugs is how I stay drug free
    Sheila rio period 4

  46. Nicholas Schmid

    I stay drug free by always being active and hanging out with the right people. Playing football helps alot it helps me focus more on my sport than doing drugs. Also knowing the dangers or drugs prevent me from taking them.

  47. Alvaro Ruiz
    Period 1
    I stay drug free by staying away from groups of people who might influence me in a bad way. I also stay drug free by focusing on baseball and school. Also, knowing the consequences and how drugs can wrongly influence my future help me stay away.

  48. Ana Villalonga p.3
    To stay drug-free I listen to what my mom tells me about how drivs affect a person's mind and body . I try not to hangbout with "bad kids" that do drugs and if i ever hang out with them I never get into the topic of drugs. Another thing i do is to see what drugs have done to some people I know , for example right now my brother's friend is in the hospital and he is in a coma because of drugs. I do not think that drugs are a way of having fun amd thisbis why i stay drug free

  49. Emily Fundora
    Period 6
    I stay drug free by keeping my family in mind. I don't want them to be disappointed in me - I want them to know that they can trust me. I also think about the consequences, and everything I'd be giving up if I chose to use drugs. I also think about how bad I'd be doing in school, if I were to do drugs.

  50. Darwin Sequeira
    Period 3
    To stay drug free you just need to have a good mindset and strong mentality towards whatever choices helps you to living a healthy lifestyle. If others try to convince you to do something outside your comfort zone than just ignore them and continue making choices for yourself and not let others do that for you.

  51. One of the main things i do to remain drug free is to surround myself with good influences. I would surround myself with positive people that do good, and don't peer pressure me to do things i don't want to, i would also keep myself busy with other things, like homework or work.

  52. Vanessa Moscoso
    Period 6
    Ways i keep myself drug free is thinking about my future and how I want to live a healthy lifestyle. Also by excluding myself from groups that i know are not good influences. Most importantly I wouldn't want to disappoint my family.

  53. Shamya Lewis period 4
    In order to stay drug free I play different activities outside with my friends and siblings. I also do not associate myself with people who use drugs and if I do, I do not allow them to encourage me to do drugs

  54. My post didn't appear yesterday, so I am resending it. To stay drug free, I think about the consequences if I take them, and what they can do to my body. I also participate in sports and stay away from the streets to not be affiliated with them. I do not want to disappoint my family and friends, so I do not take them.

  55. Kayla Vilar Period 3 (absent on Nov. 1)
    In order to stay drug free I do not associate myself with the wrong group of people nor do I allow anyone who may do drugs peer pressure me into doing them. Constantly reassuring myself the harm drugs would do to my body and how badly it would affect my life is enough to convince myself drugs aren't for me.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. To be drug free I stay away from people who do drugs and if someone offers me some I say no. Also, I like to stay healthy to do sports.
