Friday, October 28, 2016

Red Ribbon -- Live Drug Free (All classes)

This years theme is "YOLO-- Be Drug Free"

I want you to comment to this blog post and share what you do to be "Drug Free."
Share your post by November 1st.
Make sure to include your name and period in the post.

Image result for red ribbon week 2016

WSJ -- Zines Project

Use the WSJ to find images or text that you can use for your Zine.
If you happen to find an article or chart that is related to your topic you can include that as well.
Put any images or text onto a piece of paper.

Due Monday, October 31st.

Something's Got to Give

Monday, October 24, 2016

Zines for Progress -- AP Class


I want you to go through the Zines for Progress website with the examples of the projects that were turned in last year.
Zines for progress
Select one of the Zines that you personally like and answer the following questions:

1. Name of the piece (found beneath each picture)
2. What was their topic?  How do you know? Give specific examples.
3. What materials did they use? Be specific.
4. What kind of writing did they incorporate? (poems, short essay, charts/graphs, songs, etc.)
5. How did they bind the pages together?
6. Is there anything this piece had that you would like to do for your project?  Explain.

Submit your questions with answers by Friday, October 28th.  You can turn it in earlier if you finish before Friday.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Spirit Week

Monday -- Character Day
Tuesday -- Twin Day
Wednesday -- Black Out Day
Thursday -- Nerd or Jock Day
Friday -- Pajama Day

Wednesday is Pep Rally.
Thursday is Wacky Olympics and Early Release.

Antigone Project (English II Honors)

Now that we have finished reading Antigone, I want you to incorporate what we have learned about the Greeks and design a Greek Urn.  A Greek Urn is similar to a vase except that on these vases pictures were drawn to represent stories.

In class you will receive a copy of a Greek Urn.
You will also receive a character or Greek god that was mentioned in the play.
You must have the following items on your urn if you want full credit:

1. Write the character/god's name using the Greek alphabet
2. An image of the character (drawn or printed)
3. A quote from the play where they are mentioned
4. A scene from the play showing the character or a scene of the god doing something they are famous for.
5. On the back describe your character or god.  Explain their connection to the play.

You will be presenting your urns next week on October 28th.

1. Bacchus
2. Aphrodite
3. Ares
4. Dionysus
5. Hades
6. Persephone
7. Tantalus
8. Zeus
9. Hephaestus
10. Antigone
11. Ismene
12. Creon
13. Haemon
14. Tiresias
15. Danae
16. Eurydice

Image result for greek urn

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

AP Class -- Moral Dilemmas passage assignment

After reading the passage, which is based off of the Justice lecture video I showed in class last Friday, answer the following:

1. What is your definition of justice?  Be as detailed as possible.

2. In your opinion, what is more important, individual rights or the common good?  Explain your answer.

3. Do you agree or disagree that for moral reflection there needs to be a discussion with "an interlocutor" or not?

4. Pick one of the following people: Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mills, or John Rawls and write down two facts about them.

5. The passage brings up several major topics (example: income inequality, affirmative action, same-sex marriage, etc.).  Select a topic from the article that you would be interested in researching more about and write it down.

Bring you passage and answers to class on Thursday, October 20th.

Monday, October 17, 2016

English II Honors -- Antigone question

Question 3:
Haemon tells his father " for a man to learn, though he be wise, Yea, to learn much, and know the time to yield, Brings no disgrace."  What is he basically saying?

Question 4:
Does Creon listen to his son?  Make a modern day connection (either from the news or your personal life) that connects with what is happening between Creon and Haemon.

Submit your answers through My Notebook on your books Dashboard.

Due by Friday, October 21st.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

WSJ Assignment (AP Class)

With voting day quickly approaching, I want you to focus on the number of articles in the Wall Street Journal that are related to politics or connected in some way to the election.

1. Go through the whole WSJ and write down or cut out and paste the titles of the articles related to the election, candidates or the impact the election will have on people.

2. After looking at your results for part 1, explain what impact you think the elections will have on this country.

3. Why do you think it is so important for the WSJ to inform the public about the elections?  Explain.

Image result for united states presidential election 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

All Classes -- Donations for Haiti

Hurricane Matthew devastated Haiti.
Dade County Public Schools is collecting donations for the people of Haiti.

You can bring in the following items:
*baby food
*dry food (beans, rice, ramen noodles, powdered milk, etc. NO canned food)
*medical supplies (basic first-aid items such as band aids, neosporin)
*hygiene products (soap, deodorant, hand sanitizer)
*batteries (AA, C, or D)

You can earn an Extra credit grade for my class OR Community service.  Not both!

 Image result for help for Haiti

Antigone Response journal (English II Honors)

In your My Notebook create a folder.  You must click on the book in your portal and that will take you to your dashboard.

1.To create a folder click on the "options" and click "add folder."
2. Name it Antigone.
3. Make sure you are in the Antigone folder when you click to "add note."
4. Answer each of the response journal questions in a separate note.

Question 1--
Would you be more like Antigone or Ismene when it comes to burying your brother?  Explain your personality or character and how it fits with Antigone or Ismene.

Question 2--
Do you agree with Creon's reasons for not burying Polynice?  Or would you handle the situation in a different way?

Here is the link to the play in case you want to refer to it:
Antigone play

Image result for antigone

AP Class -- Disobedience Question 3

Remember to bring in your rough draft for the Question 3 prompt we began in class today.
Make sure it is a complete essay (beginning, middle and end).
Use your guiding instructions I gave to you in class.

We will be peer scoring on Thursday, October 13th.

Image result for oscar wilde on disobedience

Friday, October 7, 2016

Thoreau and Civil Disobedience review (AP class)

Here is a short video to help summarize the concept of Civil Disobedience.
Make sure to be ready to present on Monday, October 10th.

Updates for English II Honors and AP English

Image result for survived hurricane matthew

I hope everyone is okay.  It has been a while since we have had a close call like this and we were very lucky not to get a direct hit.

Here are some updates for my class:

1. Don't forget to complete by Sunday before midnight for this week.
2. Wednesday, October 12th there is no school due to a teacher work day.
3. Wednesday, October 19th is the PSAT.
*My AP students need to make sure to register with Ms. Cuenca by Monday if you want the extra credit.
4.  The last grade for this nine weeks will be the for the week ending October 23rd.  That basically means you only have two more weeks of grades that will count for this nine weeks.

See you on Monday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

AP class -- Civil Disobedience Unit

Today we read parts of Henry David Thoreau's famous piece -- Civil Disobedience.
Civil Disobedience

After reading excerpts, you will be given a topic to research and put together a presentation to present with a partner by this Friday, October 7th. Update -- presentations will be October 10th!

Using Powerpoint or Prezi, make sure your presentation has the following:
1. Give a brief summary of your event
2. Explain how it relates to Civil Disobedience
3. Use pictures or visual images to go along with your information
4. What were the results?
5. Did you agree or disagree with how the situation was handled?

Here are the topics:

1. Salt March (India, Gandhi) -- Daniel and Sebastian
2. Extremadura campaign (Spain, 1936) -- Beatriz and Ashley G
3. Flying pickets (US, 1934) -- Lianet and Loraine
4. Dismantling enterprises (France, 1999) -- Dorka and Nicole V
5. Poll tax non-payment (London, 1990) -- Naomie and Jazlyn
6. Tiananmen Square protest (China, 1989) -- Ashley L and Isabella
7. Singing Revolution (Estonia, 1987) -- Lourdes and Jorge
8. Navy-Culebra protests (Puerto Rico, 1971) -- Jonathan and Julio
9. Purple Rain protest (South Africa, 1989) -- Jennifer and Denise
10. Orange Revolution (Ukraine, 2004) -- Maria and Jose
11. Boston Tea Party (US, 1773) -- Samantha and Nicole P.
12. Greenpeace Global Warming protest (US, 2009) -- Camila and Alvaro
13. PETA protests (US, 1980s) -- Nina and Laura