Friday, September 2, 2016

Second Week

This was a very busy week, but we made it!
Here is everything we did. 

AP Class:
Monday -- My Name pieces were due.  You read and responded to the New Yorker piece titled "Why Your Name Matters."
Tuesday (No School)
Wednesday -- Worked in groups on analyzing the different chapters in your summer reading books.
Thursday -- Presentation of Chapters from Summer reading books.
Friday -- Opinion writer "cocktail party" activity to reflect on voice.
This weekend don't forget to complete your weekly words on (due by Sunday).
Junior Orientation is this coming Wednesday, September 7th.

English II Honors:
Monday -- Began reading "What, if this Goldfish, do you Wish."  Homework was to complete Questions 4-7 on page 10.
Tuesday (No School)
Wednesday -- Make a Wish assignment
Thursday -- Make a Wish Presentations
Friday -- Interview assignment for homework
*Don't forget to complete your weekly words on (due by Sunday).
*If you had any issues with submitting your Questions 4-7 from page 10 for the story submit your answers via your "Notebook" using your online book Dashboard.

Have a safe and fun Labor Day.  No school Monday!

Image result for labor day

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