Friday, September 30, 2016

English II Honors Reflection assignment

Now that September has come to an end, I want you to reflect on the lessons you learned in my class.  Look back on all the stories, projects and assignments you have completed this month and write down what you will remember the most.

Here is a list in case you need help:
1. Goldfish story
2. Make a Wish project
3. Interview people about what they would wish for.
4. Tolerance essay by Forster
5. We and They poem by Kipling
6. People are people lyrics
7. Country projects
8. American flag stands for tolerance editorial
9. Tolerance essay
10. Hispanic Heritage project
11. PSAT practice
12. Jose Marti poems
13. "A Celebration of Grandfathers" story by Anaya
14. "Only Daughter" by Cisneros
15. practice

WOW! We covered a lot in just one month!

I want you to connect the dots in your mind and explain to me what are the most important ideas you learned this month in my class.  You can be as specific or as general as you want to be, but make sure your response makes sense.

Make sure you write your name and period when you post your comment.
You must post your comment by Monday, October 3rd before midnight.

*Remember to complete by Sunday.
*No school Monday!  Teacher work day


  1. Catherine Manfra
    Periods 3,4,6

    I learned that there are so many ways to teach tolerance. In the short story Sergei killed the boy because instead of trying to understand what he was doing he automatically judged him and thought he was going to try and take his goldfish away. In Forster's essay he defines tolerance and how it is viewed as dull because it is not as exciting as promoting love and yet it is more logical. In "We and They" a poem that seemed so simple actually had a deeper meaning to try and teach us about point of views / perspectives and that depending on where you come from you may be the outsider. Through the country project I realized that as much as the United States is viewed as a melting pot there are other countries in the world that are even more diverse and have more tolerance than us. With the Hispanic Heritage theme we learned to appreciate the Hispanic culture (I hope). In the Jose Marti poems, Anaya's memoir and Cisneros's essay I realized that being accepted is a common theme with many Hispanic writers.
    At the end of the day, tolerance is about being accepted for who we are.
    I accept all of you as my students with your strengths and weaknesses and my goal is that you all grow this year.

  2. Ingrid Hechavarria
    Pd. 3

    An important lesson we learned in September is Tolerance. By reading "The People are People" lyrics, doing the country projects and tolerance essay I got a more detailed idea of what tolerance really means. Tolerance is the lesson I'll remember the most.

  3. Gabriela Alpi p.6

    We have learned so many things in this month but what I will remember the most is the lesson on Tolerance. My perspective has changed completely about Tolerance. I didn't realize how important it was until we read that speech we must tolerate eachother in order to keep peace in this world.

  4. Emily Barbosa

    This month I learned a lot about tolerance and it's importance. We spoke about how being taught tolerance in school was actually very important so that children learn at a young age to then practice it in their life. In the short story it portrays how lack of tolerance can lead too horrible outcomes. Such as, when Sergei killed the boy because he assumed the boy was there to steal his goldfish. This month we also went over Hispanic Heritage culture and I now appreciate it much more. I understand that having acceptance is something difficult to comprehend in other countries, but is something all countries should work on.

  5. Shamya Lewis period 6
    This month I've learned a lot about tolerance. I did not know that we used tolerance so much in our lives. In one of the stories they said how as humans we had many questions like why are people so slow and why are they so fat, but we didn't ask those kind of questions because we've learned to tolerate it. Also, with the American flag they tolerated people burning the flag. I've learned so much about tolerance this month so I believe that's what I will remember the most.

  6. Kari Halteman Period 6
    A few things that I have learned this month in this class will stick well, but I think that tolerance will stick the most. I now realize just how important tolerance is to the world and how much we all need it in our lives. Tolerance could help with bullying, war, everyday violence, death, it can really help in so many ways. Tolerance really should be taught more in schools, especially now. I'm glad that we all had this opportunity to learn about such an important concept.

  7. Melisa Claro period 6
    This month we have learn many different thing and we have come to understand of different people with different cultures. however, this is all connected by the theme of tolerance. Every different reading and activity that we did showed us a different example, point of view, and way of understanding this theme. The poem "we and they " teaches us a different way that people see each other from different cultures. Another example is the song "people are people" this gave us an idea of what tolerance really is and the effect that would happen if we don't tolerate others. This statement can lead to wars and people dying so its very important to know when is the right time to be tolerant. At the end of the day, I learn that tolerance is simply accepting other for who they are no matter there color, culture, or gender.

  8. Lemuel Fernandez Pd-6
    One of the lessons that we learned this past month was tolerance. Tolerance is very important because it allows all of us to live harmoniously and not fight or kill each other over the little things that come up. It is a very important lesson to teach kids since a young age to make sure they can be nice to each other and accept all races, religions, and ethnicities.

  9. Sheila Rio p.4
    This past month we learned a bunch of stuff among them we learned about tolerance and it's importance in our daily life. When discussed in class everyone had a different perspective on the topic but we all agreed that it's needed and that without it there would be various problems in our community. Tolerance is just putting up with people's differnces, differnces are beautiful and it's no reason to hate on others

  10. Renata Bianchi p.6
    this past month we learned a lot about tolerance and how it is important to be taught in school. we also wrote essays and got others opinions on them.

  11. Carlos Arencibia p.4
    This past month we have learned about tolerance and touched the topic in many ways. We read poems over tolerance and also wrote essays that have tolerance as the topic. Tolerance is something useful that we need to stick to on a daily basis. The essays we wrote taught us that tolerance is needed to be taught at an early age at school so that kids can grow up with the mentality of knowing that tolerance is something good. With tolerance, we are able to talk to people who don't share the same background or beliefs that we do. Tolerance is a key characteristic we should all stick to.

  12. Alexia Saavedra
    In the month of September we have covered a lot of stories and assignments that all have to do with tolerance, but the one story I will remember the most is "Only Daughter" by Cisneros. That story and lesson really did prove that tolerance can sometimes give you a reward in the end. We also learned this month how other countries need tolerance and how we should be taught about tolerance.

  13. In the month of September we have learned about family, traditions and tolerance. Many stories that we have read tie back to the same topic. The story I remember the most is the American Flag Torlerance assignment. This really taught me about how different people and their beliefs.

  14. Addie Hernandez
    During the month of September we went over many views of tolerance. Tolerance is something that should be part of everyone's everyday values. All this was expressed in all the different short stories and poems read and discussed in class. We also wrote a short essay describing our opinion of tolerance and it's necessity. In The Goldfish we learned about a boy who went around asking people in different neighborhoods (people of different backgrounds) what would they wish for. Along the way he met a man who lived in solitude with a goldfish, that was indeed magical, who learned a lesson in being tolerant of those around him. The We and They poem was a beautiful way to explain and demonstrate the intolerance shared among different types of people. These are a few examples of what we learned and read concerning the topic of tolerance this month.

  15. Gabriella Tillan
    Stories, projects and assignment overview:
    1) From the goldfish story I will remember how the guy never wasted his last wish so he could keep the fish for company until the kid got killed then he knew the right choice was to save the kid even though he would lose the fish.
    2) From the make a wish foundation I will remember how the foundation grants any dying kids wishes, they will do anything to make them happy and make their time here as amazing as possible.
    3) When I interviewed people, they make wishes that will make them or they think it will make them happy.
    4) In the essay I learned that different people have different views on tolerance and what it means.
    5) In the “we and they” poem, I learned that we at others and think “wow they are doing things all wrong and are just horrible at learning how to do things and are so different.” But those same people are looking at us and thinking the same thing.
    6) In the “people are people” lyrics, I will remember the video manfra showed us in class and how she made us watch it without the music and then with the music.
    7) From the country project I will remember how each country had their different wars and their different ethnicities and their different religions and how each needed tolerance to stay at peace.
    8) From the American flag editorial I will remember how much tolerance we learned in a month.
    9) In the tolerance essay I will remember how serious I got into tolerance while writing the essay.
    10) In the Hispanic heritage I will remember how the Hispanic woman I wrote about showed that even though she is Hispanic she still made it to the white and became director of Hispanic media.
    11) I will remember from the PSAT practice how many I got wrong.
    12) I will remember the poems by how they were written.

  16. Nicole Roche
    Period 4
    In the month of September, we have covered a lot of material all connecting with the term 'tolerance'. Every poem and story we read all somehow tied into the definition of this word and how it is applied in the real world. One of the assignments that i will remember the most would have to be the Make-A-Wish project. Finding out what others would wish for was interesting to learn. I also believe that the weekly assignments are very helpful with preparing us for the PSAT.

  17. Amanda Gomez
    Period 6

    I learned a lot about the importance of tolerance and how it can be implicated on many parts of your daily life.

    Tolerance can be as general as avoiding conflict with people who can create controversy. For example,burning the American flag, do I personally agree with the idea, absolutely not. However I can understand that it is their right to do so. Therefore instead of making a big deal about it, I can avoid the unnecessary conflict that will be brought along with it.

    Tolerance can affect your personal life as well. I went through a couple of obstacles with my group during the Hispanic Heritage project, and I used tolerance to get through it. And i'm glad I did, I felt much better avoiding the extra trouble than just being impulsive and acting on the issue incorrectly.

    In the grand scheme of things, I took what I learned about tolerance and implemented it into my daily life and it has relieved a lot of stress for me personally.

  18. Daniel Valdez
    Period 6

    I learned a good amount about what tolerance is in the month of September. We went over many different pieces and did projects on the topic and I'm glad that we did. One project that I enjoyed doing was the Make a Wish project. It helped me think about how I should be glad about where I stand in life, and how we should go out and help those who are not as fortunate as we are. I am not faced with any life threatening diseases or conditions as some of the kids in the project were, and that helped me think outside of my common thoughts. Another thing that stood out to me was the "We and They" assignment. It was a piece that I thought to be real in terms of how we as people are. It went over different stereotypes and thoughts that some people have, but at the end, provides a message of how we are all equal regardless of skin, background, or belief.

  19. Emily Fundora
    Period 6

    I've realized that I've learned quite a lot about tolerance last month. It's about more than just dealing with somebody- it's about accepting the way someone is, the way they act, they way they do and say things, where they come from, what they look like, the color of their skin, their beliefs, their culture, etc. Without tolerance, the world would most probably be a disaster. Also, because of the Hispanic heritage project, I've learned that so many important contributions to math, science, dance history, etc. have been made by Hispanics. The purpose of Hispanic heritage is to showcase and appreciate all the hard work done by Hispanics from many different places with many beautiful cultures. Something else I won't forget about is the Make A Wish Foundation. It genuinely makes me happy to know that there are still amazing people in this world, that would go out of their way to make a sick child's wish come true. I think it's a beautiful cause.

  20. Melany Petraitis period 6
    This month we have learned so much, but the lesson that I learned most in was Tolerance. By watching the video in class and making the tolerance essay helped me realize that theirs various meanings to tolerance. This lesson made me do more research about the meaning of tolerance. also the poem We and They by Kipling helped me understand the meaning of tolerance. The two projects I enjoyed the most were the PowerPoint for the make a wish foundation and the Hispanic heritage door we decorated. On the project make a wish foundation it inspired me to donate to the less fortunate, and the Hispanic heritage door decoration I enjoyed so much, because I got really creative and I love to decorate things. This month was a very good month filled with very interesting topics in our class.

  21. Sade' Paramore
    Period 6
    In this month of September I've learned about tolerance. I've learned that people who is more tolerate is most likely to get further in life. Tolerance opens doors and increases chances of success. In life you're going to have to learn to tolerate the good and the bad, the criticism. People may down talk, do things you don't appreciate, things that may tick you off but if you could deal with it, it shouldn't matter to you.

  22. Douglas Lopez
    Period 4

    This past month of September I have learned a lot about tolerance. It is an important trait that everyone should have because everyone has different opinions and everyone should learn to respect that. The "Make a Wish" project is a project that I will not forget because it is satisfying to know that the people in the world with diseases and disabilities have had their wish come true. The PSAT practice has also been very helpful and it should get us prepared for the PSAT exam.

  23. Jasmine Botello
    Period 4

    This month what I learned most was about tolerance. How we must respect others, whether its with their religion or just their opinion on something. With the many stories on tolerance that we read i learn that not having tolerance can affect you or others. For example, when the old man killed the boy because he thought that the boy was trying to take his magic goldfish. With the Make a wish project i learned that there are many people out there that need our help, and that when we help them with the slightest amount of money if can benefit them tremendously. When we did the Hispanic Heritage Project i learned that the reason we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month is to show our appreciate all the work Hispanics have done, if they were biologist, singers etc.

  24. Ana Lopez
    Period 6
    I have learned a lot about tolerance this past month. Especially from the song "People are People". This song explained how violence does not always have to be the answer and how certain situations should just be discussed. In the "We and They" poem, it shows how not everyone is the same, we all have our differences therefore we should all learn how to tolerate each other.

  25. Dario Valdes
    4th Period

    Last month, we explored the topic of tolerance relatively often. Most of the assignments we did were prominent on the idea of it and how to apply it to real life. For example, Forster’s excerpt about how tolerance should be utilized by nations to reach a state of understanding was the first thing we did regarding tolerance. Afterwards, we went on to read the poem “We and They” by Kipling, which put the differences between cultures side by side and pointed out how certain cultures view others, typically in a negative manner. Later on, we spoke about the American flag and what it means to people living in the United States. We concluded that the burning of said flag was a form of expression that was protected by the first amendment. The ideals of the people participating in this activity were talked about in class and explained in a tolerant manner, where we were to respect their reasoning for burning the flag. I think that, in the process of learning tolerance, we developed our own sort of way to tolerate different people or groups of people and that we might use what we’ve learned out in the real world.

  26. Serge Gorban Pr.6
    We have covered a lot of things during this past month. But all of the lessons were somehow connected to the theme of the tolerance. Each of the lesson was opening and explaining more information about the tolerance, in the ways of the life examples. All of that combined taught me about how different people and their beliefs are, and how all of the people can live on earth without the conflicts just by using the tolerance.

  27. Ana villalonga p.3
    The lesson that I will remember the most will be the Hispanic heritage project. It made me look back into my own culture and history. This project gave me the opportunity to learn about a man that was crucial tk the independence of cuba . Appart from all of this , the hispanic heritage project allowed me to spend time with my friends and share our ideas. This is wjat i will remember most about this month in English honors 2

  28. Kevin Schuss P.6
    We covered the topic tolerance heavily in the last month. I learned a lot about it and certain views I wouldn't have thought of if it wasn't for showing us all these literature pieces. I have a different understanding of tolerance now that I've seen how others in our class view and approach it.

  29. Juan Gomez
    Period 4
    The goldfish story's main idea was how people perceive other and how some peoples wish's or desires aren't as predictable as thought it was. Make a wish project was to teach how we could inspire those who would have no hope or that anything can be accomplished having our minds put together. and the interview people about what they would wish for ties in with the first. The essay by Foster was his perspective on what and how we see tolerance is and its importance. We and Them poem also shows how people see each other (those who aren't near each other as overseas) and how those people look at one another. The country project's, main point is to showcase how diverse some countries are and if tolerance would be a good quality for them. The American flag stands for tolerance editorial is also about tolerance but more on how other people would seem to want to take it away in the sense of burning the flag, is it legal or illegal to do so. The Hispanic heritage project stands for to celebrate those Hispanic decent people who have done to get famous and their hard work. The PSAT practice are to help us prepare for the upcoming test. A Celebration of Grandfathers are how people don't really see the whole process of becoming old and how in the media sees them. Only Daughter main idea is to show how this girl in a Mexican family of 6 sons and only one daughter felt and was treated and towards the end we see that she only ever wanted her father's approval.

  30. Raul Dominguez

    Out of all the lessons we covered this month I feel like the one that will really stick with me is the Hispanic heritage project . This project gave me an idea of what it feels like working in a group with more than one person, and it showed me that with 4 people the amount of work each does is less and the ideas are even better .This project helped me realize that in the future I will need to get used to working in groups and that one one person can't do everything.

  31. Yionmikal Roque

    All the lessons we learned in September were valuable in their own way, but the one that hit the hardest was the Make a Wish project. It showed me that a lot of people are suffering with terrible conditions that are deadly at times. At the same time the people affected by these horrendous conditions can still be happy and have their dreams come true.

  32. Nathaniel Garcia Period 4

    In September the majority of what we went over was the topic of tolerance and the differences that each of us have. What I remember most when looking back on to what we learned is the interview assignment where we asked people what they wished for. I remember this because it was interesting hearing what the different people I interviewed had to say. I also remember the country project well. It was cool to research Israel and learn about their cultural diversity and the issues they had surrounding tolerance between different cultures. I remember the Hispanic heritage project because it was interesting to find out about how Hispanic people contributed greatly to the field of our choice and I liked the hard work my group did to make our amazing door decoration. Finally the one I remember the most is the "Only Daughter" poem by Sandra Cisneros. This is because this poem was very touching and it gives you the perspective of being a daughter in a traditional Mexican household.

  33. Brandon Kost
    Period 3

    This month we learned a lot about tolerance and it's importance. We spoke about how being taught tolerance in school was very important. So that children learn at a young age to then practice it in their life. In the short story it portrays how lack of tolerance can lead too horrible circumstances. Like, when Sergei killed the boy because he assumed the boy was there to steal the goldfish. We also went over Hispanic Heritage culture and I now appreciate it much more than i originally did. I got to learn much more about Hispanic Heritage Month and the powerful things people did during it.

  34. Carolina Garcell
    Period 6

    Everything we have covered during the month of September have all been memorable and have taught important ideas to us all but I think out of them all the one that will stick with me is the one that involved us to interview people about what they would wish for. I'll remember this assignment the most because I realized how different people all have different wishes based on their age groups while adults tend to have about the same wishes which usually involve money and health while children have less realistic wishes.

  35. Camille Garcia
    Period 4
    As I reflect on all the lessons we have learned, the topic that will stick with me the most is tolerance. I've always considered myself very tolerant of others and this lesson helped others learn of its importance. It even helped me get a more in depth understanding as to what it really stands for, since it has many different meanings and can be perceived in multiple ways. Assignments that stood out to me were the various poems we read in class. A great one was "We and They". I felt that it expressed the theme of tolerance very well.

  36. Yanelys Montero

    All the lessons we learned in September were valuable but the one that i found the most memorable was the countries assignment. This was the most memorable because i got to see how having different cultures really ties in with tolerance. I also really liked how we didn't know which country we chose because you got to learn about a country you wouldn't have normally chosen. I am really glad that i got to learn more about how important tolerance really is & more about hispanic heritage.

  37. Julienn Cedeno
    Period 6

    In the past month we learned a lot about tolerance. We learned that everyone must have some tolerance in order to not hate others. In the "Make A Wish" project, the doctors have to have tolerance with the kids because those kids do not know what they are doing because of some type of illness that they have, so the doctors have to find a way to help the kids.

  38. Jeffrey Herrera
    In the past month we have covered a lot about tolerance, it means to have the ability to accept without judgement. We can't be judging people no matter what race they are or the religion they follow, if they are rich or poor we all are equal. What astonished me was how the Make-a-wish project worked that even though their are children that are ill they ask for wishes and we try our hardest to make them come true. It gives them a smile and a moment they won't forget.

  39. Ricky

    Throughout the month of September we learned a great deal about "Tolerance", and how it effects the our world. It's an ability that everyone should direct toward one another. Our pathetic world would greatly benefit from tolerance, if humans would learn to be tolerant of each other and put their petty differences aside and coexist, we would be able to achieve more as a species. One excellent example of tolerance we analyzed was the song "People are people" by Depeche Mode. The 80's classic (In my personal opinion) brilliantly and accurately captures the theme of Tolerance.

  40. Victoria Torres
    Period 4

    Through the month of September the main lesson focused on was “Tolerance” and how it affects the world we live in. We went through a vast array of assignments and reading pieces all connecting to tolerance in one way or another. The “We and They” assignment expressed the theme of tolerance very well because it shows how not everyone is the same, we all have our differences. As in the lyrics from the song “people are people” said not everyone is the same and having tolerance means more than just to deal with somebody it is about accepting the way someone is no matter what the differences are and to be peaceful about it.

  41. Colyn Rubio
    Period 3
    In this class I have learned many things. But what i have really understood and started to use in life is having tolerance. We read all the poems and did the essays and now that I did all that I am using it in life situations and even making sure that other people use this in life also. That is what I have enjoyed and understood most in this class.

  42. Kayla Vilar, period 3
    Through the month of September the majority of what we learned was about tolerance. The Goldfish story, Make a Wish project and interviewing people about what they would wish for represents how people are different. The tolerance essay by Forster, We and They poem and the People are People lyrics represent tolerance and what it truly means. The country projects, American flag stands for tolerance editorial and hispanic heritage project represents different people based on where they come from. Due to the fact that majority of the assignments are based on tolerance, it's what has made the biggest impact on me throughout this month. Tolerance is something truly important for everyone to have because everyone is different in their own way and to respect that is a must.

  43. Victoria Castrelo
    Period 3

    Throughout September we focused a lot on tolerance. We read and did some projects on wishes and how people would use them but aside from that we spent the month on the topic of tolerance. We read multiple storie/poems like "we and they" and "tolerance essay" etc. all the work we did on tolerance really helped me understand the term and how it should be used in my everyday life. The most memorable part of September for me would be the part where we did the make a wish project. I liked this because it showed us how our donations go to these children and make a difference in their life.

  44. Andrew Clock
    Period 3
    Over the course of September, we learned a lot about tolerance. We saw how people come from all over the place and how everyone has different circumstances and has had different experiences. The lessons throughout the month showed that we are all capable of acknowledging these differences and living together in spite of them. The most memorable moment for me was when we did thebquestions on "A celebration of grandfathers" story by Ana ya as after that story, I really realized just how much emphasis our culture puts on youth and the negativity assosciated with old age.

  45. Krystel Jimenez
    period :3
    In September we learned about tolerance .We did projects on wishes and multiple poems like the tolerance essay and "we and they". All of the assignments we did I learned a lot about the term and how it's used in every day life.The best part for me was the Hispanic heritage project, it was fun and at the same time we learned from it.

  46. Naeli Emad
    Period 3
    Reflecting back on everything we have learned, I would say that the goldfish story and doing the project was my favorite. The project showed how people really are and showed a pretty good side of people. Another topic I very much enjoyed was the Make A wish Foundation project and research. I feel like this project/research made people appreciate more what they have cause it may seem like nothing but to another kid it could mean the world.
