Monday assignment: Where does the path lead? You were supposed to create a poem or story using the picture I put on the board. Poems needed to be at least 12 lines long and stories at least a page long.
Tuesday assignment: Snapshot Poem-- You are to take a picture and using descriptive language create a poem or story about that picture. Poem must have at least 12 lines.
Wednesday assignment: Sonnet Poem -- Create your own sonnet following the appropriate pattern. Must have 16 lines.
Thursday assignment: Select one of your pieces that you like the most or that you feel you did the best job with and share it with a partner. Get feedback from your partner and decide whether that is the piece you want to read to the class on Friday.
Friday: You will submit all your pieces. The piece you are reading to the class must be typed. The class will vote for their favorite pieces anonymously on their own piece of paper.
I will speak with the students who were voted as the top pieces the week of January 19th. If you feel strongly about your piece and would like me to submit it to the competition you can tell me as well.
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