Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Through the Looking Glass Project (Period 1)

You will pick one of the following projects to complete and present for a grade as well as a possible hour of community service:
               1.       Create an alphabet book using ideas from the novel. (You can work with a partner.)  
a.       Each page of the book must be based on an alphabet letter. 
b.      Have a sentence using the word.
c.       Have a picture related to the word.
d.      For optional community service hour you will present your book to the preschool class on one of the Fridays (April 15, 22, 29) or on one of the block days we are not testing.
               2.       Create a puppet show using one of the chapters or scenes from the novel.  (You can work with a partner.)
a.       You will design your own puppets.
b.      You will create your own script based on the chapter you have selected.
c.       For optional community service hour you will perform your puppet show to the preschool class on one of the Fridays (April 15, 22, 29) or on one of the block days we are not testing.

                3.       Take a classic nursery rhyme and bring it to life similar to what happened in novel.  (You can work with a partner.)
a.       Select a classic nursery rhyme.
b.      Create a chapter in which Alice would interact with the characters from the nursery rhyme.
c.       For optional community service hour you will teach the nursery rhyme to the preschool class on one of the Fridays (April 15, 22, 29) or on one of the block days we are not testing.
Image result for nursery rhymes

                4.       Turn your dreams into a Dream Journal. (No partners)
a.       Type up ten days of your dreams.  Write as much as you can remember about the dream.

b.      Reflect on each dream trying to understand what is going on in your real life that might have impacted your subconscious.  Think about how Alice’s adventures connected to her life as a child (nursery rhyme characters, being corrected by adults, etc.)

You will have until April 29th to complete and submit your project.
Worth 20 points

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