Tuesday, April 26, 2016

AP Class -- Essay Prompts due Friday

In class we did the "Speed Dating" activity where you looked at four different prompts and then selected one that you would like to write a full essay for.
Your typed essays are due on Friday.
Make sure to follow the following format:
1. Name, date and period in the upper right corner
2. Use 12 pt font, double spaced
3. Check for grammar and punctuation

I am grading your essay based on a Final Draft status as opposed to a rough draft that would be written in class.  I am looking forward to your best effort.

If you know you will not be in class, please email it or give it to someone to turn in for you.

**Reminder: Review session will be Thursday, April 28th in my room from 2:30-3:30pm.  I will be focusing on essay tips and strategies.

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