Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Period 1 Black History Door Display

Here are the required elements you will need to make sure are included on your door display:

1. Name of your person (should be large enough to see from a distance)
2. Picture of the person (should be large enough to see from a distance)
3. Reason for their fame
4. An inspirational quote by them
5. Include images or summaries of their 3 most famous or popular writings

**Creativity is key!  Make your door pop.
Do people want to stop and read the information about your person?
Does it look like you just copied and pasted a bunch of information?  (not good)
Does it look like you invested time and effort into putting your door together? (very good)

Is the teacher happy with what you did?  (I will get feedback from them.)

You must have your door completed by January 29th.

Here is an example:

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