Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering September 11th (AP Language Homework)

Several Minute Essay #2

This week we began with the discussion of the piece "What They Saw at the Holocaust Museum," which dealt with how museums can either help people understand events better or can turn them off to understanding events.  I then had you analyze different speeches given at significant times in history and break them down using the "Rhetorical Triangle" chart.

After watching George W. Bush's speech given the evening of September 11, 2001, using the concepts from the "Rhetorical Triangle" (communicator, audience, message), tell me whether his speech would rank on the same level as the speech you analyzed this week in class.

You can include your personal opinion, but try to remain as objective as possible by using specific examples from his speech or the speech you analyzed.

Due Tuesday, September 15th

**P.S. I forgot to ask the class whether you want to work next week on Jonathan Edward's homily, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," or the short story by Hawthorne, "The Minister's Black Veil."
If you can post a comment below letting me know which one you would prefer I would appreciate it.  I will tally up the responses on Monday (teacher work day) and we will work on the one with the most votes.
We will cover both, I just wanted to give you all the choice of which one to do first. :)