Friday, June 9, 2017

AP Language students 2017-18

If you signed up to take AP English Language for this coming year here is the summer reading assignment:

Go to and register using class code 4B84R.

Read the following passages:
1. The Fallacy of success
2. On the dignity of meanness of human nature
3. Men and Women use different scales to weigh moral dilemmas
4. Political Society

Also read either Thanks for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs or
Freakonomics by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner.

Watch the TedX talk

Have a great summer!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Everything Everything Field trip

Those of you going on the field trip, after period 1 go straight to the front of the school.  I will take attendance and then we will get on the bus.
I will turn the roster into the attendance office so you will be excused from your Period 2-6 for the remainder of the day.

AP English -- College Essay assignment

In preparation for next year, you will select one of the general college essay prompts from below and write an essay.

Topic 1 option:
Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it.  If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Topic 2 option:
Discuss an accomplishment, event or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Topic 3 option:
Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Your essay must be in 12 point font, double spaced.
Word limit is 650.

Final drafts due May 26th.
Worth 10 points

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

10th grade Tablets

English II students, you can begin returning your tablets if you rented one at the beginning of the year.  Make sure to return all parts:
1. Tablet
2. Keyboard
3. Charger

I would appreciate if you could return them no later than June 2nd.

Image result for HP tablet with keyboard

Thursday, April 27, 2017

AP Review

Here is a list of the top 10 rhetorical devices you can refer to on your Rhetorical Analysis essay:

1. Tone -- The general attitude a writer is using to get their message across.  Associated with the emotion the writer or speaker is using.  If you use tone in your essay, make sure to explain with your commentary why you think they were using this tone.
Example:  When Abigail Adams is using a concerned tone in her letter to her son it is because she wants him to realize that this moment is a turning point in his life.

2. Diction -- The choice of words (or phrases) used by a speaker or writer.  If you focus on the diction being used, try to select words that emphasize a certain idea.
Example:  JFK's use of the words "unjustifiable" and "irresponsible" to demonstrate that he is disgusted with the steel industry taking advantage of the American people.

3. Repetition -- Used to emphasize a point or idea by a writer or speaker.  If you decide to use this in your essay make sure it is a word that is used throughout the piece.
Example:  Benjamin Banneker referred to Thomas Jefferson throughout his letter as "Sir" to create a sense of respect, even though he was pointing out that Jefferson was being a hypocrite.

4. Theme -- The overall topic or lesson that a speaker or writer is trying to get across.  If you focus on theme you can emphasize the bigger message the writer is making.
Example:  When discussing the trend with plastic pink flamingos, Jennifer Price is uncovering how nature is cheapened by consumerism.

5. Sarcasm (or satire) -- To mock with often satirical or ironic comments with the purpose to amuse or hurt someone or something in society.  Remember if you want to state that something is satirical it should be critical of society or an idea.
Example:  In the piece about MagnaSoles the writer is using satire to demonstrate how advertisers take advantage of consumer’s ignorance.

6. Allusion -- A reference to a historical event, a literary piece, religious connection, etc.  If you decide to use allusion in your essay make sure you make a clear connection in your commentary as to why the writer was making this reference.
Example:  Abigail Adams alluded to Cicero and Mark Anthony to support her argument that her son is following in the footsteps of great men.

7. Analogy -- A similarity or comparison between two different things or the relationship between them.  If you refer to this in your essay make sure you are clear with your commentary as to why the author is making the comparison.

8. Style -- The overall way a writer writes.  This is a rhetorical device that encompasses many things such as diction, syntax, tone, etc.  You can use this as a main idea and then within the body paragraph break down the writer's use of tone, diction, etc. that demonstrates their specific style.
Example:  Hawthorne's style is very indicative of the Puritan period in which people were very religious and followed the Bible very strictly.

9. Syntax -- The sentence structure a writer uses.  If you decide to use this in your essay try to point out differences such as longer versus shorter sentences and why they are doing that.

10. Appeals (Ethos, Logos, Pathos)  Remember you do not have to refer to the appeals by name, but you can explain them such as the author is appealing to the audience's emotions, using logic or asserting their credibility.

Monday, April 24, 2017

English II upcoming grades

Here is my tentative plan for the next few weeks:

Week of April 24th:
*Continue with novel
* for the week
*Daily journals

Week of May 1st:
*Presentations begin
*Teacher Appreciation assignment

Week of May 8th:
*Presentations continue
*Mother's Day assignment

Week of May 15th:
*Tshirt decorating

Week of May 22nd:
*Selecting pieces for end of the year book
*Community service proof due
Here is the link for the Community Service Form

I will be giving a grade for showing me proof that you have started completing community service hours.  You will need to show me by May 26th that you have completed at least one hour of service.
One of the easy ways to earn this grade is to bring in items for the Peru Flood drive that is going on until April 27th.
You can bring in the following items:
*Canned food

You can also bring in 50 soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House for an hour of community service, which would count for your grade.

If you already have existing hours of community service you can bring that to show me as well.

Everything Everything Project

We are almost done with the book and as I mentioned earlier this nine weeks, you will be planning your own trip.

Here is what you need to include for your project:

1. Using the program Sway on your student portal, you will create a presentation about your trip.
2. Your presentation must include:
     A. Name of place you want to visit
     B. Picture or pictures of place
     C. Why do you want to visit that place?  Explain.
     D. Things you need to pack or bring with you.
     E. If you could bring someone with you, who would bring?  Explain.
     F. Mode of transportation to arrive to your destination (example: airplane, bus, train, etc.)
     G. Things you want to do while you are there (example: visit museums, zoo, beach, famous landmarks, etc.)
     H. Souvenirs you would bring back to at least three important people in your life and explain the type of souvenir.

3. When you present you can be creative and play music, show a short video, dress-up, bring in food that represents that place, create a travel brochure, etc.

Presentations will begin the week of May 1st. 
All presentations must be completed by May 12th.  Anyone who has not presented by that date will receive a 0.

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