Saturday, February 18, 2017

13th Documentary Assignment

Being socially involved is when you are aware of what is taking place in the world around you and are engaged in some way.

After watching the documentary, I want you to write a letter addressing either how you feel the prison system in this country, particularly our state, can be changed for the better.
*You can address the letter to one of the state senators (Marco Rubio or Bill Nelson).
*Some ideas to consider are where should the money go instead of prisons?
*How could prisons better serve the inmates so that they do not commit crimes again?
*What works in other countries and could we possibly do the same here?
*Ways to prevent from innocent people having to sit in jail for years.


Write a letter to Ava DuVernay, the director or the documentary explaining to her your thoughts and feelings regarding the prison system.
*Did her documentary help you understand the prison system better?
*Ask her what are ways you can help make a difference.
*Do you think her documentary will make a difference?

Type up your letters and use the following format:

Image result for formal letter format
Leave the name and address out for the person you are sending the letter to.  I will be sending the letters so I will take care of that.

Your letters are due by Wednesday, February 22nd.

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