Friday, February 24, 2017

Commonlit Assignment

AP Class:
You are responsible for reading the Lincoln "Speech on Slavery" and answer the questions by Sunday, 2/26.

English II Honors Class:
You are responsible for reading the Obama reaction to the Trayvon Martin ruling, which we watched in class and answer the questions by Sunday, 2/26.

*Class Codes for (in case anyone needs them)
Period 3: B5WWB
Period 4: 4N883
Period 6: E6888

**Remember next week is block schedule.  Refer to schedule below.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

FSA Writing Schedule

Next week begins the FSA Writing exam.  We will be following a block schedule.

Monday, February 27th
Periods 1,2,3
(Testing Period 1)

Tuesday, February 28th
Periods 4,5,6 (Go first to Period 1 for attendance)
(Testing Period 4 in room 318)

Wednesday, March 1st
Periods 2,3,1 (Go first to Period 1 for attendance)
(Testing Period 2)

Thursday, March 2nd
Periods 5,6,4 (Go first to Period 1 for attendance)
(Testing Period 5)

Friday, March 3rd
Periods 3,1,2 (Go first to Period 1 for attendance)
(Testing Period 3 in room 282)

Monday, March 6th
Periods 6,4,5 (Go first to Period 1 for attendance)
(Testing Period 6 in room 327)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

13th Documentary Assignment

Being socially involved is when you are aware of what is taking place in the world around you and are engaged in some way.

After watching the documentary, I want you to write a letter addressing either how you feel the prison system in this country, particularly our state, can be changed for the better.
*You can address the letter to one of the state senators (Marco Rubio or Bill Nelson).
*Some ideas to consider are where should the money go instead of prisons?
*How could prisons better serve the inmates so that they do not commit crimes again?
*What works in other countries and could we possibly do the same here?
*Ways to prevent from innocent people having to sit in jail for years.


Write a letter to Ava DuVernay, the director or the documentary explaining to her your thoughts and feelings regarding the prison system.
*Did her documentary help you understand the prison system better?
*Ask her what are ways you can help make a difference.
*Do you think her documentary will make a difference?

Type up your letters and use the following format:

Image result for formal letter format
Leave the name and address out for the person you are sending the letter to.  I will be sending the letters so I will take care of that.

Your letters are due by Wednesday, February 22nd.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

English II Honors -- Project and more extra credit

Image result for black history month                                  Image result for presidents day

With this month being Black History Month and Presidents' Day on February 20th, it is time for another presentation!
You will select either a famous African-American or President to present to the class.
Presentations must include the following:
1. General information about the person.
2. Picture(s)
3. What you find interesting or fascinating about them.
4. Create a three question quiz to give to classmates to make sure they were paying attention.

Think of yourself as the teacher and the expert on your person.
Presentations will  begin the week of February 21st.

Extra Credit opportunities:

So I changed my mind about the meme's. 
If you create a Shakespeare meme it will count as an extra credit grade. 
The deadline for my class is February 17th.
It must be printed out and must be original.

You can also earn extra credit by memorizing one of the following monologues from the play of Macbeth:

ACT 1 Scene 5 lines 36-51 Lady Macbeth starting with "The raven himself is hoarse"
ACT 1 Scene 7 lines 47-58 Lady Macbeth starting with "What beast was't, then"
ACT 3 Scene 1 lines 47-69 Macbeth starting with "To be thus is nothing"
ACT 5 Scene 5 lines 17-28 Macbeth starting with "She should have died hereafter."

You would have to present your monologue on February 17th.

Friday, February 3, 2017

ALL Classes -- Extra Credit

Science Honor Society is collecting board games during the month of February.
You can bring in games until February 24th and receive extra credit for my class.

AP students -- Now is the time to start signing up for the SAT and ACT to receive extra credit as well.
Here are upcoming dates to register:
           Register by February 10th for March 11th test
                              April 7th for May 6th test
                              May 9th for June 3rd test

           Register by March 3rd for April 8th test
                              May 5th for June 10th test

Remember if you are on free or reduced lunch you can get a fee waiver to pay for your test from Mrs. Munoz.