Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Periods 1,2,4,6 Project

Pick one of the options:

Option 1 (if working alone):
Generation No Kid Hungry contest –

Through an essay of 500-800 words and 3-5 original photographs, address the problem of childhood hunger in the United States. How does childhood hunger affect the lives of teens and children either from your own life or the lives of others where you live? Your essay can be whatever you want it to be: personal, persuasive, objective, political. Use the photographs effectively to help deliver the message or tell the story you want to tell.

Option 2 (small groups – no more than 4 students):
Breast Cancer Awareness
2. Read a science article related to Breast Cancer at http://www.sciencemag.org/site/special/breastcancer/
3. Using the personal account and science research create an advertisement or short documentary related to Breast Cancer Awareness.   You can refer to page 947 in the textbook.

Presentations for both options will be Friday, October 23.

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