Thursday, March 23, 2017

AP Class -- Fountainhead Final Drafts

When submitting your final drafts make sure you have all of the following:

1. Heading is in top right corner
  • Include Name, My Name, AP Language and Composition, Due date
      • Example:            
                                                          John Doe
                                                          Mrs. Manfra
                                                          AP Language and Composition
                                                          March 27, 2017

2. Use 12 point font, double spaced

3. Make sure to include page numbers for your quotes from the novel.
  • Example:  "His face was like a law of nature." (15)
4. You should have one inch margins on all sides.

5. Include the Word Count on the last page.

Remember to answer all parts of the essay prompt that you have selected.
Remember there is an 800 word minimum requirement for this assignment.  If you do not meet the word requirement the highest grade you will receive is a C.

Print your essays or share through OneDrive only!

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