Wednesday, February 8, 2017

English II Honors -- Project and more extra credit

Image result for black history month                                  Image result for presidents day

With this month being Black History Month and Presidents' Day on February 20th, it is time for another presentation!
You will select either a famous African-American or President to present to the class.
Presentations must include the following:
1. General information about the person.
2. Picture(s)
3. What you find interesting or fascinating about them.
4. Create a three question quiz to give to classmates to make sure they were paying attention.

Think of yourself as the teacher and the expert on your person.
Presentations will  begin the week of February 21st.

Extra Credit opportunities:

So I changed my mind about the meme's. 
If you create a Shakespeare meme it will count as an extra credit grade. 
The deadline for my class is February 17th.
It must be printed out and must be original.

You can also earn extra credit by memorizing one of the following monologues from the play of Macbeth:

ACT 1 Scene 5 lines 36-51 Lady Macbeth starting with "The raven himself is hoarse"
ACT 1 Scene 7 lines 47-58 Lady Macbeth starting with "What beast was't, then"
ACT 3 Scene 1 lines 47-69 Macbeth starting with "To be thus is nothing"
ACT 5 Scene 5 lines 17-28 Macbeth starting with "She should have died hereafter."

You would have to present your monologue on February 17th.

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