Friday, January 20, 2017

Macbeth Act I question (English II Honors classes)

Image result for macbeth
Now that we have finished reading ACT 1 of Macbeth I would like you to give me your opinion regarding ambition. 
1. Do you think having ambition is good or not?  Explain yourself.
2. Would you consider yourself more like Macbeth or Lady Macbeth?  Explain yourself.

You must post your response by Monday, January 23rd.

**Remember to complete assignment and for this week.
These grades will count for the third nine weeks.


  1. Yenifer Fonseca

    1. I think ambition is bad because many people get consumed by it and end up doing really bad things that they might regret later.
    2. I consider myself more like Macbeth because everybody have their own little ambition but I would never go to the point of hurting someone close to me to get what I want .

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  3. 1. Ambition is good to an extent. If you have ambition , it is great because you have drive for a goal or path you want to take, and little to nothing with will take you off track. However , being over ambitious can lead to reckless thinking and behavior.

    2. I believe I am more similar to Macbeth. Ambition is present , yes , but he doesn't dive head first into it , and he can be wary of the doubt sometimes. Lady Macbeth will literally do anything and everything to succeed , which in turn makes her a maniac in some sort.

  4. 1. Ambition is a good trait to have depending on the situation. If you do have great ambition, it's a blessing and a curse. For example, having ambition when it comes to school work is a positive thing because it pushes you to do your very best. But in cases like Lady Macbeth wanting to kill the king, going above such extremes is cruel and unnecessary.

    2. Without a doubt I am more like Macbeth. His ambition is there but it doesn't overtake any feeling of guilt or humanity he has in him as it does with Lady Macbeth. She would do the most selfish deed just to gain power.

  5. 1. I believe Ambition is a great trait to have because it constantly motivates us and keeps us wanting to do better and better every day. It makes our minds want to move forward and not rewind.

    2. I think i'm a bit of both, i can tend to be like Macbeth and Lady Macbeth sometimes. Macbeth doesn't want to rush things, he decides to take it slow, but we also see Lady Macbeth want to rush things just to get what she wants.

  6. 1)ambition is good because it sets our goals and leads us to where we want to be. ambition is bad when we set up goals that are unrealistic and unachievable.
    2) I believe I'm more like Macbeth because he's ambitious but not to an extent where he hurts others and stops caring.

  7. Melany Petraitis
    Period- 6
    1) I think ambition is good because it gives you determination and hard work to accomplish whatever goal you put yourself to do.
    2) I see myself more like Macbeth because he has ambition and he has a self conscience which I think I can relate to myself.

  8. Jasmine Botello
    Period 4
    1) I think ambition is good because it can motivate you do to more in life and to keep moving forward.
    2) I am more like Macbeth in the sense that i will do anything to get what i want to get done, and that i will go out of my way to do something.

  9. Douglas Lopez
    Period. 4

    1. Having ambition is good because it can help motivate yourself to completing new things in life and try new things.

    2. I myself am more like Macbeth because although he has a lot of ambition he doesn't want to do anything to hurt others or take things to the extreme

  10. 1. I believe having ambition is a great trait to have if you don't get carried away with it. Ambition helps you move forward in life, schooling, or any goal you put your mind to, but having ambition has its cons. It may affect your behavior or even your thinking which could lead to worse.

    2. I think that I'm a bit of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, because Lady Macbeth will do anything to get what she wants... literally anything versus Macbeth knows his limits and won't hurt others when it comes to what he wants/needs.

  11. Period 4
    1. I think having ambition is good, however ambition, if taken too far, can lead to greed and damage relationships. Ambition also gives people the determination to obtain their goals.
    2. I would considered myself Macbeth because Because he is kind and of arrogant but he can control himself also like me.

  12. Annette Rodriguez pd. 6
    1. ambition is good because everyone needs some motivation to do great things but it also can be harmful to others if you would do anything and everything to get what you want.
    2. I consider myself more like Macbeth since i do what it takes to succeed at something but i wouldn't go as far as Lady Macbeth who would hurt others.

  13. Renata Bianchi
    period 6

    1)i believe that ambition is great because it gives us the strength to complete goals w have set for ourselves and where we want to be in life. ambition is bad when we set up goals that are unrealistic and not achievable.

    2) I believe I'm more like Macbeth because outgoing and ambitious but cares about certain people but does not hurt others

  14. 1. I believe that ambition is important as it is necessary to achieve your goals, you need to have a driving force for your goals, which is ambition.
    2. I relate more to Macbeth, because there is a limit to what you should do to achieve your goals.

  15. Amanda Gomez
    Period 6

    1- I think ambition is important, it is what drives a person to pursue their passion. It is a natural instinct for a human to want something, ambition is the thing that pushes the person into getting it. The only problem with ambition is, how people use it.

    2- I think I'm more like Macbeth because I'm a very ambitious person, however I still put my empathy first. Lady Macbeth has ambition but no sympathy no humanity, I would never kill someone to pursue my ambitions, that doesn't make me human anymore. People are allowed to have ambitions and sometimes you have to work a little harder and do things to get to your goal, but murder is never the answer and Lady Macbeth doesn't get that. At least Macbeth, doesn't take it to the extreme.

  16. Lemuel Fernandez
    Period 4
    1: I believe that ambition is important because it drives a person to complete their goals, and get them somewhere in life.
    2: I think that I am more like Macbeth because even though I am very ambitious, I still have morals that I put before my ambition. You can be ambitious but never take it to the extent of breaking the law or your morals.

  17. Ana Lopez
    Period 6
    1- In my opinion ambition is good and can help you succeed and accomplish certain goals in life.
    2- I'm more like Macbeth, because I am ambitious but I would never go to the extent of putting someone else's life in danger.

  18. Yanelys Montero
    Period 6
    1.I think everyone needs some ambition and motivation in their lives. With ambition you can strive to be something great in life.
    2.I think i am more like macbeth because i would not be able to hurt or endanger someone to get what i want.

  19. Carolina Garcell
    Pr. 6
    1. I do think ambition is good because it tends to push some people to their limit into completing their goal because it's something they want to pursue.
    2. I think i'm more like macbeth because i have lots of ambition but i would never go to the extreme of hurting someone to reach my goals.

  20. Camille Garcia
    Period 4

    1. I personally do believe that ambition is important and a good thing because it is what gives someone the aspiration to achieve a goal and give it purpose. "Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine" - Elvis Presley.

    2. I relate more to Macbeth because while he is an ambitious person, he knows about certain boundaries and limits that should not be crossed. Ambition is a strong thing but depending on the person with it (Lady Macbeth) and what they will use it for can be bad.

  21. 1. Ambition is an outstanding trait that intertwines with human curiosity causing us to strive and achieve things never thought possible.

    2. I can relate more to Macbeth because he is capable to strive and be successful, but he knows his limits on what is morally acceptable and realizes the consequences of his actions.

  22. Carlos Arencibia
    Period 4

    1. I think having ambition is good in the sense that it helps to strive for goals that you'd want to accomplish. On the other hand, having too much ambition could lead to complete disaster.

    2. I can relate to Macbeth because he has ambition and uses it to a certain extent but doesn't overpower himself with it to harm others like how Lady Macbeth does.

  23. Daniella Brito pd.6
    1. I think ambition is good to have because it keeps you motivated and helps you accomplish goals.
    2. I can't relate to Macbeth because he has ambition but not to the point that he will do crazy things like Lady Macbeth.

  24. Kevin Schuss
    Period 4

    1. Ambition is a powerful tool if used in the correct manner as it can help power your drive to achieve goals in and out of school.

    2. I relate more to Macbeth since i have ambition but know when morals come into play that the lives of others shouldn't rival your goal

  25. Gabriela Alpi p.6
    1. Ambition is good because it's what drives you to acheiving your goal but when you have too much it could lead to recklessness because you would do anything to achieve a goal.
    2. I think I am more similar to Macbeth because he does have ambition but doesn't wanna kill anyone to achieve his goals. Iwouldn't kill anyone

  26. 1) Ambition is a good thing because having a strong will to do something with out giving up, is an amazing thing. You need to have a determination for achieving a certain objective.
    2) I am more like Macbeth because for most things being ambitious is good but of course you need to focus on your boundaries and limits of everything in life.

  27. Melisa Claro
    1. Ambition is good until a certain point . It could motivate you to achieve your goal but it can confume you and drive to an extreme point to achieve those goals , that you can regret after .

    2. I'm a more like Macbeth . He is ambitious but it's also doubtful and doesn't want to go to an extreme like a matter of life or death . In the other hand, lady Macbeth won't let anything or anyone stop her and will go to an extreme to achieve her goal.

  28. Nicholas Schmid pd3
    1)I believe ambition is good because it helps people stride for what they want but to much can make you want to much.
    2)I can relate to Mcbeth because I have ambition but not to the point where it unrealistic.

  29. Maday correa p.4
    1. Ambition is a great characteristic to have, it helps people achieve their goals and have a purpose to what they're doing. Although, people need to be careful and learn how to use it.
    2. I would say i am more like Macbeth because I have both ambiton and sympathy for others. I would never hurt or end someone's life to reach my goal.

  30. 1. ambition is good because it sets our goals and leads us to where we want to be. ambition becomes bad when we set up goals that are unrealistic and unachievabLe and just makes us frustrated.
    2. I feel like I am like MacBeth, the reason is because I have the ambition like him. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone just to achieve my goal as well

  31. 1. Being ambitious is a good thing. But, it depends on how much ambition you have. Too much is bad, too little is worse, you need to have ambition to succeed in life.
    2. Considering both sides, I'm more like Macbeth. I don't plan on succeeding by running those before me into the ground, instead I'd rather work my way up and earn what I have.

  32. 1. I think having an ambitioun is a good thing. Because having it can provide you the couregу and the great aspiration to achieve the goal.

    2 I can relate to Macbeth because I have the ambition like him. And know were to stop.

  33. Victoria Torres
    Period 4
    1. Ambition is a trait that is very good to have in a person and to act upon with caution in order for one to complete their set goals, while at the same time if a person has too much ambition it may lead to other things that may have negative outcomes because of their perseverance as well as too little ambition may lead a person into giving up and never achieving their full potential in what they would like to do.
    2. I can relate to both characters to a certain extent. I see myself as Macbeth because of the fact that I have sympathy for others and it would be more satisfying for me to reach my goal the fair way and watch everyone under me as I rise up instead of resorting to extreme measures. I also am a little like lady Macbeth in the way that when I have a certain goal or mindset I will do almost anything in my power to achieve my goals no matter what to end up victorious.

  34. Colyn rubio
    period 4

    1. Ambition can be good and bad. It can be good because you want something so bad so you give it your all. But it can be bad because some people get carried away and go to the extreme just to get what they want.

    2.I see myself more like Macbeth because i care about others and I would rather reach my goal fairly.

  35. 1) I believe that having ambition is good. I believe this because it makes a person go out and explore new things. It all depends on what they're looking for.

    2) I find myself to be more like Macbeth. This is because I like to think things over, question if I really want to do them.

  36. 1) I believe having ambition is good because it helps you achieve the goals you set.

    2) I see myself more like Macbeth because i have my limits and know where to the draw the line.

  37. 1: I think ambition is both good and bad because it pushes you to be the best you possibly can be, but it may make you forget about things that are much more important than your own goals.
    2: I think I'm more like lady macbeth because sometimes I don't think certain things through and I tend to act on impulse. When I get something stuck in my head, I just have to do it- I forget that there are consequences.

  38. I believe ambition is good because it lets you be yourself in anyway possible.

    I think I am more like Macbeth because I always think things over the top.

  39. I think having ambition is good because it helps you reach your goals in life.

    I believe I am more like Macbeth because although I would like to have certain things I would rather get them the right way and wait.

    -shamya Lewis
    Period 4

  40. 1. Ambition is a good quality in someone because you push yourself to reach a goal you have set.
    2. I would probably be more like macbeth because there is a certain extent in doing something.

  41. Fabiana Arcos Period 3
    1) i believe ambition is considered a good quality because have the desire to do good for yourself and in this world is a treasured trait
    2) i would be similar to macbeth because i follow every consequences of my actions and try to avoid doing any wrong.

  42. Emily Barbosa
    Period 6

    1. I think having some ambition is good because it allows a person strive for a desired goal and work hard to achieve it, but to much ambition may cause the peson to do what ever they have to achieve that goal even if it hurts others.

    2.I think i would be more similar to Macbeth because, although i have ambition i know to what extent to go to, to achieve my aspirations.

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  44. David Plasencia, sixth period.

    1. I think that having ambition is good, not only good but great. In my opinion ambition is what move us forward as a civilization to keep improving.

    2. I'm more related to Macbeth as I think that there is a certain line that shouldn't be surpassed when talking about ambition.

  45. 1. I'd say having ambition is a very good thing when it comes down to it, it's important to have goals and determination to achieve those goals, important to be motivated and keep striving for something you want. Of course, as long as you don't over do it.

    2. I would say I'm more like Macbeth, I do have goals I want, and I do have determination to achieve those certain goals, but I wouldn't go as far as doing something wrong or unfair just to attain something I want, I prefer to do things the right and passive way, not by letting my emotions cloud my judgement because I'm set on something I want.

  46. Ingrid Hechavarria
    Pd. 3
    1. I believe ambition has a positive and negative side. It is positive because it pushes you into achieving desires and goals but It is negative because It can lead you to doing negative things towards people and hurting them as well yourself.
    2. I think I am more like MacBeth. I have my goals and I am determined to achieve them but I know when I have to draw a line and take a step back.

  47. Vanessa Moscoso
    1. I believe ambition is good as it will help you grow as a person and push you to achieve your goals.
    2. I relate more to Macbeth because i am determined to get what i want, but I will know when I have crossed the line.
