Thursday, January 26, 2017

AP Class -- Zines for Progress due dates

Here is the breakdown for the due dates of pages for your Zines.

Week 1:  Cover Page due January 27th

Week 2:  Written element due February 3rd

Week 3:  Art connection due February 10th

Week 4:  Research component due February 17th

Week 5:  Overall design and flow of Zine due February 24th

Week 6:  Final product with binding due March 3rd

Cover Page should present your topic in a clear manner.  Names of group members should appear on the front or back of the cover page.  Use of colors, images, text is purposeful.

Written element can be either fiction or nonfiction.  Each member of the group should create a written piece that goes along with the topic of their Zine.  It can be in the form of a poem, short story, personal essay, etc.  If you have any questions please see me.

Art connection can come from one of the art pieces you saw at the Wolfsonian Museum or an art piece you find somewhere else.  You should include some kind of explanation if it is not clear how the piece relates to your topic.  Or if you want to draw something or create your own art (picture montage or collage) that is also an option.

Research component should involve facts.  Whether you find statistics or studies related to your topic is up to you.  Make sure to include the source of your research.

Overall design and flow will be a presentation to the class where you present your Zine to the class to get feedback on whether there is anything that should be added or taken out.  At the end of the day, you and your group makes the final decision, but this will be a way for you to get some feedback from others.

Final product -- self explanatory (I think).

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

ALL CLASSES -- Literacy Week Extra Credit

This year's theme for Literacy week is "Literacy Changes the World."

Bring in a picture of yourself with a favorite book by Monday, January 30th
Your picture can be printed out or on photo paper.  It can be in color or black and white.
Make sure the picture is clear and you can see the name of the book.

Image result for literacy changes the world

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

AP Class -- Social Involvement

Social engagement refers to one's degree of participation in community or society.

Read the following article about events that took place this past weekend:
Women's March

Answer the following questions:
1. After reading the New York Times article, do you think things will change?  Explain why or why not.
2. Do you feel you are socially engaged?  If you are, explain how.  If you are not, explain why not.
3. Do you feel that your topic for the Zines project is something that could get people socially engaged?  Explain.

If I am not back before the end of class the assignment is due first thing tomorrow, January 25th.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Macbeth Act I question (English II Honors classes)

Image result for macbeth
Now that we have finished reading ACT 1 of Macbeth I would like you to give me your opinion regarding ambition. 
1. Do you think having ambition is good or not?  Explain yourself.
2. Would you consider yourself more like Macbeth or Lady Macbeth?  Explain yourself.

You must post your response by Monday, January 23rd.

**Remember to complete assignment and for this week.
These grades will count for the third nine weeks.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

AP Class -- Lesson on Design for Zines

You will select two of the following famous advertisements and use the handout that was provided by Zoe Welch from the Wolfsonian to analyze the design.
On your paper make sure to address and explain each of the following areas:
1. Style
2. Color
3. Composition
4. Text
5. Material

Think small
Calvin Klein

Submit your work by the end of class January 20, 2017.

Homework assignment:
Create your account and then complete the passage that has been assigned.
Class code is 9DEPY
Assignment must be completed by Monday, January 23rd.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Creative Writing Assignment (English II classes)

Here is what you need to submit on Friday, January 13th for the assignment:

1. Four rough draft creative writing pieces (Tuesday's work, Wednesday's work, Where I'm From poem and Anthem poem or two other creative writing pieces for a total of 4).
2. A typed final draft of the piece you are going to read to the class.

This will be the last major grade for the second nine weeks so make it count.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Free Verse or Short short Story assignment (English II classes)

Turn the picture into a story or poem by using descriptive language to describe what you see and then give your narrator or character a reason for why they are there.  

Poem should be at least 12 lines long.

Story should be at least 1-page long.