Monday, March 14, 2016

AP class: Trascendentalism Week

Thoreau's Walden video

This week we will be covering Emerson and Thoreau – two American Transcendentalists.
Part 1:
After watching the brief video, you will select a number, which represents a piece by Emerson or Thoreau.
You can refer to the following links:

You will read the piece, select 5 quotes from the piece and complete the following:
1.  Explain the quote in your own words
2.  How does the quote connect to the ideals of transcendentalism?
3.  Do you agree or disagree with the quote?  Explain your answer.

You can work with a partner for this part.

You will be presenting your findings on Thursday and Friday to the class.  
You can use Powerpoint, Prezi or another similar program.

Part 2:
Emerson and Thoreau can be considered philosophers of their time.  Think of your own life and create a list of things that you feel are essential in your life.  You will write your own essay where you break down your list and explain each idea.
You must have at least 5 ideas on your list, which means you would have at least 5 paragraphs in your essay.
Due typed by Friday.

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