Monday, February 29, 2016

AP Rhetorical Practice

Wednesday we will be doing another practice rhetorical essay in class.
I want you to practice on your own by selecting a speech from the following link:

Top 100 Speeches

Bring to class on Wednesday your summary of the speech using the Rhetorical Triangle elements:
1. Audience
2. Purpose
3. Message

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Testing/Block Schedule

Monday, February 29th
Periods 1, 2, 3 (Testing Period 1)

Tuesday, March 1st
Periods Homeroom, 4, 5, 6 (Testing Period 4 & 6)

Wednesday, March 2nd
Periods Homeroom, 2, 3, 1 (Make-ups)

Thursday, March 3rd 
Periods Homeroom, 5, 6, 4 (Make-ups)

Friday, March 4th 
Periods Homeroom, 3, 1, 2 (Testing Period 2)

Monday, March 7th
Periods 1-6

Tuesday, March 8th
Periods Homeroom, 6, 4, 5 (Make-ups)

Summer Institutes for future Juniors and Seniors

The Florida Humanities Council is sponsoring the following high school student seminars this summer:
Summer Seminars

The University of Miami is also holding a summer scholars program.  You can find the application on the following link:
UM Summer Scholars Info

The application deadlines are approaching now in March so don't waste time!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

AP Homework

Find an article dealing with politics.  There is plenty out there right now about the Presidential race, campaigns, candidates, political strategy, Supreme Court nominations, etc.
Once you have found an article if you could print it out that would be great, if not, just make sure you have access to it for class purposes.

Part 1-- After reading your article write your personal opinions and thoughts about it.
Part 2 -- How could you use this information on the AP test?

Bring your written response on Wednesday, 2/24/16

Monday, February 22, 2016

FSA Writing Tips (Period 1)

You will create either a poster or 4 (8x11) flyers with a tip for students regarding the FSA Writing test.
You need to make it clear that your tip is for the FSA test.
Make sure to include an image or graphic associated with your tip.

Assignment is due Wednesday, February 24th!

Friday, February 19, 2016


This Sunday, February 21st from 12-4pm the National College Fair will be held at the Doubletree Miami Mart Airport Hotel and Convention Center
777 NW 72 Avenue Miami, FL 33126
There is a $5 parking fee.
There will be more than 200 colleges and universities from around the country represented.

If you are still interested in the Clean Up and Green Up extra credit I will accept posters until Monday, February 22nd.

Progress Reports will be distributed on Wednesday, February 24th.

FSA Writing Test begins Monday, February 29th!  There will be block schedule for a week.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

President's Day Assignment

After picking your president in class you will complete the following:

1.  Go to
2.  Click on the picture of your president and read about them.  (There are also videos you can watch.)
3.  Using Discovery Education Board Builder (must access through your student portal) include the following information about your president:
     A. Name of the president and picture
     B. Years they were president
     C. 5 facts about them (this can include where they were born, what they accomplished while they were president, did they participate in any wars)
     D. Make a claim as to why your president should be considered the best president.
4.  Save your board online and share it with me.

You will be graded on having the information as well as presenting to class.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Extra Credit: Clean Up and Green Up poster contest

To receive extra credit you would need to design your own poster that explains what we can do to clean up our community.
You would need to turn your poster into me on Wednesday, February 17th.
The poster can not be larger than 16 x 20 inches.
You can use crayons, markers, paint, but nothing can be printed out.  No photographs allowed.
The title "Clean Up and Green Up" should be on the poster somewhere.

Final Draft for Freedom of Speech

   Make sure you have the following things in your essay.
   1. Do you have an attention grabber?  Do they introduce the topic in an interesting way?
   2. Do you have a claim or thesis in their introduction paragraph?  (They state whether they believe freedom of speech is being limited or not.)
   3. Do you include at least one example from the “Censored in America” news special?
   4. Do you include another example from an outside source or personal experience?
   5. Do you include a counterclaim or at least mention that there is another side?

   Remember your final draft must be typed (12 point font, double spaced).
   You can share it through One Drive, One Note, email or print it and turn it in to me.
   Due Friday, February 12

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Extra Credit: Super Bowl Commercial Analysis

Select 5 Super Bowl commercials and do the following for each:

1. What is the name of the company or product being advertised?
2.  How are they trying to convince you to use or buy their product?  Be specific.
3.  Does the advertisement do a good job of catching your attention?  Explain how it catches your attention.
4.  It costs millions of dollars to advertise during the Super Bowl.  Do you think it was worth it for this particular company or product?

5.  Out of the 5 commercials you selected, which was your favorite and explain why.

Example of how your paper should look:

1. Colgate
2. They actually were promoting to turn off water while you are brushing your teeth because it wastes water and there are people around the world who do not have access to clean water.
3.  It shows a faucet with the water running and different people using that water, but it is not clear until the end that they are advertising Colgate toothpaste.
4.  It might be worth it if the company is trying to get people who are environmentally conscience to buy their product.  Otherwise, I think most people will think this is just a public service announcement.

At the very end you will answer question 5.

This extra credit assignment is due Monday, February 8th.  No exceptions.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Censored in America Essay Contest

Is Free Speech becoming more limited in America? 
John Stossel considers that in his recent Fox News hour, "Censored in America." 
Words can wound, so should we have increased limits around free speech? Why or why not? Does free speech have a special role in a free society?
"Censored in America" says that students are sometimes kept away from words and ideas they might find disturbing. What do you think? Are there areas in society today where we should allow more free speech? Are there areas where we should restrict free speech?

Please write a 500-1000 word essay on this topic. You should include your own examples of free speech controversies, and you must include at least one reference to the TV special or Stossel's book, "No They Can't."

Here is the link to the video: