Friday, December 23, 2016

Winter Break FYI (ALL CLASSES)

First of all I want to wish everyone a happy and safe break.
I look forward to seeing you all on January 9th, 2017!
Image result for happy holidays images

With that said, if you complete a session of between December 26-January 8th you will receive one extra credit grade.

To my English II Honors students -- I extended the deadline for the assignment to January 8th.  Please complete the five questions over the break if you have not done so already.

Class codes for Commonlit are Period 3: B5WWB
                                                  Period 4: 4N883
                                                  Period 6: E6888

AP English -- Make sure you have finished reading Part II of the Fountainhead.
*We will begin ACT and SAT practice in the new year.  Remember starting in the third nine weeks you will receive extra credit for signing up and taking the SAT or ACT.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Anthem Final Drafts

To all my 10th grade classes:

Final Drafts were due Friday, December 16th.  This was no surprise. 
You have been working on the final drafts all week in class.
Therefore, any final drafts sent to me after 2:20pm on Friday will automatically receive one grade lower.

Remember you have to submit it to me either as an attachment through email or shared with me through your portal (One Drive or Word on your portal).
My email is
You must include your name and period in the subject line of the email.


1.    Introduction has an attention grabber, title of novel is included, thesis statement (answer to the main topic question)

2.    Body Paragraphs

3.    Each body paragraph has a quote from the novel that supports your answer to the topic. Page number is included in parenthesis at the end of the quote. Example: “I am free.” (pg 100)

4.    Conclusion summarizes main points of the essay and ends with a general statement.  NO new points can be mentioned in the conclusion.

5.    12 point font, double spaced

6.    Include word count (minimum 600 words, maximum 1200)

*Remember to complete by Sunday.

Here are the days--

Monday: Holiday Accessories Day (Hats, socks, ties, scarfs)
Tuesday: Winter Character Day (Elf, Santa, holiday movie characters, etc.)
Wednesday: Holiday Color Wars (Seniors Red, Juniors Green, Sophomores Blue, Freshmen White)
Thursday: Ugly Sweater Day
Friday: Pajama Day

Monday, December 12, 2016

Extra Credit (All Classes)

Image result for clean up and green up poster image

This extra credit opportunity can be applied either to the second nine weeks or third nine weeks, depending on when you turn it in.

The Clean Up and Green Up Poster contest is open to all students.
*Students are encouraged to design a poster that explains what we can do to clean up our streets.
The poster must be original work.
       -Can not include photos or three dimensional material)
       -Can not be larger than 16 x 20 inches.

The deadline to turn in your poster to count for the second nine weeks is Friday, January 13th.

The deadline to turn in your poster to count for the third nine weeks is Friday, February 10th.

There is also a video option.  If you are interested in this option come and see me for details.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Sophomore Spirit Week

Monday (12/12) -- Pajama Day

Tuesday (12/13) -- Hippie/50's Day

Wednesday (12/14) -- Disney Day

Thursday (12/15) -- Baby or Elderly Day

Friday (12/16) -- Good vs Evil Day

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fountainhead Part 2 Reading

Since we are working on the Environmental Debate topics in class for the next two weeks, I am providing an independent reading calendar so you can keep track of where you should be in the novel.

November 29 -- Read Chapter 1 in class
December 1 -- Read Chapter 2 (homework)
December 2 -- Reading Chapter 3 in class
December 5-9 -- Read Chapters 4-8 (homework)
December 12-16 -- Read Chapters 9-13 (homework)
December 22 & 23 -- Read Chapters 14 & 15 in class (updated 12/16)

This means we will be finished with Part 2 before the break.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Extra Credit (All Classes)

Purchase a ticket to the Band/Colorguard/Chorus show that is on Wednesday, December 7th and you will receive extra credit for this nine weeks.
Tickets will be on sale in front of the cafeteria on Monday and Tuesday.

Don't miss out!

Image result for holiday concert