Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Lesson Before Dying Quote Assignment updates (AP class)

The quote assignment for the novel A Lesson Before Dying will be due January 4th when we return from the break.
Here are the specifications:
1. Assignment must be typed.
2. There are 31 Chapters in the book.  Therefore, to get complete credit you must have 31 quotes with explanations and modern day connections.
3. You can submit your assignment to me printed, or through OneDrive folder on your portal or bring on a USB drive for me to download.

This is a major grade so make sure to get it done over the break.

American Terrorism Assignment (AP Class)

After getting together with your group members and selecting a number you will complete the following tasks:

A. Research your event by finding an article that explains what happened.  Try to find a reliable source (i.e. New York Times, USA Today, etc. Try to stay away from Wikipedia)

B. Focus on the reasons for the attack.  Include any arguments for or against the person who committed the crime.

C. Make a connection to the John Brown article.

D. Make sure to include the citation for each source.  (Use citationmachine.net)

Tomorrow I will give you some time to finish in class and then you will present your findings to the class.

You will turn in one paper per group.  Make sure all names are on the paper.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Upcoming events

Holiday Spirit Week

Monday: Holiday Movie Character Day (dress up as a character from your favorite holiday movie)

Tuesday: Santa's Workshop (wear holiday socks, ties, and pins or come dressed as an elf, Santa, etc.)

Wednesday: Ugly Sweater Day (self-explanatory)

Thursday: Winter Wonderland (dress in white or blue)

Friday: Pajama Day

Not allowed--
Clothing with graphic or vulgar sayings
Midriff showing
Strapless tops
Open-toed shoes
Transparent clothing

Holiday Movie -- The Grinch will be shown on Wednesday, 12/16 after school for $5

Toy Drive -- Bring in a new toy and receive 2 community service hours (maximum 10 hours)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Holiday Song Project (English II classes)

With the holidays around the corner, here is a chance to boost your grade:

1. You will select a holiday song in class.  (No repeats)
2. You will present the following information on a Powerpoint or Prezi:
     A. The history of the song (include who wrote the original song, when it was first recorded, who first sang it, how many times it has been remade)
     B. What is the meaning of the song?  Explain the deeper meaning not just the literal meaning.
     C. Does the song have any literary devices? (example: repetition, simile, metaphor, imagery, etc.)
3. Your presentation must include the lyrics of the song as well as pictures that go along with the song.

Remember to have fun, but do a good job!

You can begin your presentations on Monday, December 14th.  All presentations must be done by December 18th.
No presentations will be accepted after the break.

Worth 10 points x 2


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Julius Caesar test review (Period 1)

Per our agreement, monologues will be rescheduled for Monday, December 7th.

For the test you should know the following information:
*Setting of the play
*Major events from each Act (1-5)
*You need to know what characters said the following quotes--
     "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears."
     "This was the noblest Roman of them all"
     "Men at some time are masters of their fates"
     "Even so great men great losses should endure."
     "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."
*What is a pun?
*What was the message that Brutus and Antony gave at Caesar's funeral?
*What are plebeians and patricians?